12 Step Programs: Faith Based and Alternative

What is a 12 Step Program?
As part of your therapeutic treatment, Right Path Drug Rehab offers a broad spectrum of pain free programs addiction treatment options, including 12 Step Programs. You probably have a lot of questions in regards to this process. One of the most common questions is, “Are 12 step programs specifically religious?” The answer is no. In fact, not only are there different types of 12 Step programs that are tailored to your specific needs in addiction recovery, but some are not based on religion.
What are the 12 Step Programs Based On?
AddictionScience.com states that 12 step programs are a, “‘suggested program of recovery,’ to work to the best of your ability (though it’s strongly suggested that one work the Steps, in order from 1 to 12, with a sponsor, a veteran of the process).” 12 step programs can be based on anything you feel is a “higher power.” Addiction Science adds that, “Rehab counselors (said) a spiritual program worked because it gave addicts a healthy way to deal with emotional problems rather than using drugs to medicate them away.” Spiritual or “higher powers” can be anything from God, to the ocean, or simply just the 12 steps themselves. As long as you are getting the clarity and sobriety that you need, it does not matter.
What are the 12 Steps?
There are different sequences to the 12 step programs. The first three steps are introductory and are based on addiction: what it is, how you got to be addicted, and admitting that you have an addiction problem. The middle sequences of the 12 steps require a lot of soul searching. Steps 4-9 are self-awakenings, the admitting of defeats and flaws, and finding peace with your “higher power.” Within steps 10 and 11, you will work with your profession staff member to find positive ways to meet and communicate with your loved ones about your struggles with addiction. Generally apologies and reconciliations take place within these two steps. Finally, the 12th step is to just spread the word about addiction and help others who face similar substance abuse issues.
Will The 12 Step Program Cure Me?
The 12 Step programs are not a “cure.” They are merely guidelines for people who are struggling with addiction. An aspect that people may not know about addiction is that it is a severe disease that damages the mind, body, and soul. Your struggle with addiction will be a lifetime process that you will always be improving on. Even when you have completed the 12 Step program, you will be referring to it often for comfort and support.
Are the 12 Steps Right For Me?
Sometimes, 12 step programs aren’t for everyone. If you feel that you need a step by step guideline to help with your addiction recovery program, then Right Path Drug Rehab can help you. Case managers can set up a religiously or alternatively based recovery program that includes the 12 step guideline. There are no biased, discriminatory, or judgmental decisions made by anyone. Right Path Drug Rehab is a safe place for you to achieve sobriety.