What is a 12 Step Program? As part of your therapeutic treatment, Right Path Drug Rehab offers a broad spectrum of pain free programs addiction treatment options, including 12 Step Programs. You probably have a lot of questions in regards to this process. One of the most common questions is, “Are 12 step programs specifically religious?” The answer is no. In fact, not only are there different types of 12 Step programs that are tailored to your specific needs in addiction recovery, but some are not based on religion. What are the 12 Step Programs Based On? AddictionScience.com states that 12 step programs are a, “‘suggested program of recovery,’ to work to the best of your ability (though it’s strongly suggested that one work the Steps, in order from 1 to 12, with a sponsor, a veteran of the process).” 12 step programs can be based on anything you feel is a “higher power.” Addiction Science adds that, “Rehab counselors (said) a spiritual program worked because it gave addicts a healthy way to deal with emotional problems rather than using drugs to medicate them away.” Spiritual or “higher powers” can be anything from God, to the ocean, or simply just the 12 steps themselves. As long as you are getting the clarity and sobriety that you need, it does not matter. What are the 12 Steps? There are different sequences to the 12 step programs. The first three steps are…

Recent statistics from SAMHSA show that among the 20.2 million people aged 12 or older who were classified as requiring substance abuse treatment for alcohol addiction or substance abuse, only 34.8% of these individuals received treatment at an addiction recovery center in 2013. Call our diverse set of partners at Right Path Drug Rehab so that we can walk beside you on your journey to sobriety and assist you through both detox and rehabilitation. If you or someone you care about needs an addiction recovery program to break the substance abuse cycle, let us help you maximize your potential with a sober future. There are several components of addiction treatment program to look for, in order to ensure that you will be receiving highly effective treatment with lasting results. Individualized Treatment Plans Every client at Right Path Drug Rehab receives a customized treatment plan that is tailored to her or his specific needs, addiction history, and severity of substance abuse. We know that every individual has had a different experience with addiction, and as such, we provide different treatment options for every client. Each human being is unique, so why shouldn’t your addiction treatment program be? In our experience, personalized addiction recovery programs yield more highly effective results than applying the same cookie-cutter treatment to every client. Low Client Capacity Our network of providers accepts new clients on a balanced, rolling enrollment basis. This means that we keep a low…

Are You Seeking Treatment and Recovery for Your Addictions? Right Path Drug Rehab facilities can help you find the right treatment and recovery program. Our case managers will work with you to personally customize your program. We understand that addiction is a severe disease that affects the mind, body, and soul. After a prolonged period of time, substance abuse can be damaging; however, not everyone is impacted the same way. It is important to us that your recovery program is individualized and flexible. Individual Treatment and Recovery The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) along with Right Path Drug Rehab facilities believe that treatment and recovery is built on the needs, strengths, talents, and coping abilities of clients. Since each person is different, it requires that we look at different possible paths of recovery that include: clinical treatment non-addictive medications 12 step programs (faith based) 12 step programs (non-faith based) peer support family support self care Right Path Drug Rehab wants to make sure that you have a well rounded recovery. Therefore we apply the dual diagnosis process which involves our experience staff to work together to ensure proper care. You will begin your treatment with a professional who will administer a clinically managed detox. This detox technique allows for you to ease away from your dependencies on drugs and alcohol and avoid experiencing any painful withdrawals. When you have successfully completed the detox, you will…

Fears About Addiction Treatment Are Normal We know that it can be hard to reach out for help when you are struggling to break the cycle of substance abuse in your life. Those who have never enrolled at a drug rehab center or those who have relapsed both have their own sets of legitimate worries and fears. First of all, relapse is not a moral failing. Addiction is a serious disease that requires professional care in order to maintain recovery. If you have never been through an addiction treatment program before, you may be fearful of the unknown and worried that you will have to experience a stressful detoxification process. At Right Path Drug Rehab, we provide a clinically managed detox to each of our clients so that we can ensure their safety, comfort, and relaxation throughout the entirety of the process. By enrolling at our luxury drug rehab center, you are guaranteed to have a restorative and effective recovery. What is a Luxury Drug Rehab? Our diverse set of partners is well aware that it can be daunting to think about leaving the comforts of home to step into the unknown, especially when it involves heading into a completely new situation. Although it can be overwhelming to leave your daily life behind, this is a necessary component of your 30, 60, or 90 day treatment. You need the space to focus on yourself and your recovery. Our luxury…

What Qualifies as a Prescription Drug? Prescription drugs are usually provided by experienced staff for clients for the sole purpose of treatment. According to Above the Influence, “some people assume that since they’re legal when prescribed by a doctor, they must be safer than illegal drugs. The truth is, these drugs require a prescription for a reason.” Painkillers (opioid analgesics) are the highest prescribed medication that is misused. In the National Control Strategy 2014 report, more than 38,300 deaths from prescription drugs occurred. 16,600 of those deaths were related to painkillers, and between 2010-2012 the death rate rose by 5%. It has become a national goal to reduce addiction and death rates from prescription drugs by 15% from 2012, forward.. Prescription Drugs Can’t Be That Bad…Right? Wrong. Being addicted to prescription medication is just as bad as being dependent on any other drug. Whether the usage of prescription drugs is intended or not, it is one of the leading substances of abuse. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in a 2013 study, 15.3 million people aged 12 and older used prescription drugs non medically within the year. Within a month, 6.5 million more were abusing prescription drugs. People often have the misconception that prescription drugs are safer than “street drugs.” Prescription medications are desirable due to their increased availability, their ability to counter anxiety, and the way they help with sleep deprivation. By being dependent…

Clinically managed detox is a procedure that is supervised by our experienced professionals in order to ease clients out of addiction. This method alleviates stress on both the body and the mind during the first stage of recovery. Detox at the beginning of treatment is very important because it causes the brain to prompt the body to realize that it is no longer physically dependent on daily substance abuse. This applies to recovery from both drugs and alcohol. What is the Effect of Clinically Managed Detox in Opiate Addictions? According to Narconon International, there isn’t much difference between withdrawing from a prescription opiate, such as hydrocodone, or another illicit substance like heroin. When someone is battling an addiction, they will generally take any opiate that is available. While opiates do deaden pain, they also deaden emotions. Continual opiate use makes users unable to find pleasure in life. As such, an opiate addiction is serious and requires personalized addiction treatment. Attempting to go “cold turkey” is not advised. This method of detox often puts the body into shock and can cause serious side effects and even death. Clinically Managed Detox for an opiate addiction can take several days or even a few months. The length of the detox depends on the client’s addiction severity and substance abuse history. Detox.net states that, “detoxification from drugs takes as long as necessary for a client to be physically stable without the drug. It focuses…