What Qualifies as a Prescription Drug? Prescription drugs are usually provided by experienced staff for clients for the sole purpose of treatment. According to Above the Influence, “some people assume that since they’re legal when prescribed by a doctor, they must be safer than illegal drugs. The truth is, these drugs require a prescription for a reason.” Painkillers (opioid analgesics) are the highest prescribed medication that is misused. In the National Control Strategy 2014 report, more than 38,300 deaths from prescription drugs occurred. 16,600 of those deaths were related to painkillers, and between 2010-2012 the death rate rose by 5%. It has become a national goal to reduce addiction and death rates from prescription drugs by 15% from 2012, forward.. Prescription Drugs Can’t Be That Bad…Right? Wrong. Being addicted to prescription medication is just as bad as being dependent on any other drug. Whether the usage of prescription drugs is intended or not, it is one of the leading substances of abuse. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in a 2013 study, 15.3 million people aged 12 and older used prescription drugs non medically within the year. Within a month, 6.5 million more were abusing prescription drugs. People often have the misconception that prescription drugs are safer than “street drugs.” Prescription medications are desirable due to their increased availability, their ability to counter anxiety, and the way they help with sleep deprivation. By being dependent…