Recent statistics from SAMHSA show that among the 20.2 million people aged 12 or older who were classified as requiring substance abuse treatment for alcohol addiction or substance abuse, only 34.8% of these individuals received treatment at an addiction recovery center in 2013. Call our diverse set of partners at Right Path Drug Rehab so that we can walk beside you on your journey to sobriety and assist you through both detox and rehabilitation. If you or someone you care about needs an addiction recovery program to break the substance abuse cycle, let us help you maximize your potential with a sober future. There are several components of addiction treatment program to look for, in order to ensure that you will be receiving highly effective treatment with lasting results. Individualized Treatment Plans Every client at Right Path Drug Rehab receives a customized treatment plan that is tailored to her or his specific needs, addiction history, and severity of substance abuse. We know that every individual has had a different experience with addiction, and as such, we provide different treatment options for every client. Each human being is unique, so why shouldn’t your addiction treatment program be? In our experience, personalized addiction recovery programs yield more highly effective results than applying the same cookie-cutter treatment to every client. Low Client Capacity Our network of providers accepts new clients on a balanced, rolling enrollment basis. This means that we keep a low…