Spotlight on Heroin The latest statistics on heroin from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that heroin related deaths have increased from 3,041 deaths in the year 2008 to 8,260 deaths in the year 2013. The CDC also reported this week that between 2002 and 2013, the rate of heroin related overdose deaths has almost quadrupled. Based on the above statistics, drug addiction and heroin, specifically, have become a hot topic among the upcoming presidential hopefuls. While speaking at a house gathering in Iowa, Hillary Clinton spoke about how the heroin epidemic in the United States, saying that, “The drug epidemic, meth, pills in Iowa, and then I got to New Hampshire and at my very first coffee shop meeting I heard about the heroin epidemic in New Hampshire,” Clinton said. “This is tearing families apart, but it is below the surface. People aren’t talking about it, because it’s something that is hard to deal with,” she said. As mentioned on the Washington Post, Governor Chris Christie joined a roundtable discussion at a drug treatment facility, Carly Fiorina has often discussed the loss of her stepdaughter to addiction, and Senator Rand Paul has created a focus on drug law reform and the criminal justice system as the centerpiece to his campaign for the presidency. The good news about all of this is that the heroin epidemic is actually being discussed and brought into the spotlight. As our current…