About Addiction Addiction, is a disease that manifests through decisions and consequences from experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Usually people turn to drugs and alcohol due to recreational use within social circles or life stresses. Other times people who suffer from addiction also suffer from a known or unknown mental illness. The combination of the two (substance abuse and mental illness) is called co-occurring disorders. However your addiction came to be, it is underestimated how difficult it is to quit. Those who struggle with substance abuse often try to quit; however, due to tolerance and withdrawal, it becomes almost impossible without the proper care. Tolerance occurs when the individual who is involved with illicit drugs and alcohol no longer feels the same effects as they did when they first started abusing the substances. This leads to greater and more consistent substance abuse in order to feel the effects. Withdrawals occur when a person quits drugs or alcohol and experiences painful side effects. These effects can be cold sweats, headaches, body aches, and much more. How Do You Know If You Are Experiencing Addiction? There are many signs of addiction. 12 of those signs are: Change in appearance- sudden weight gain or loss, dilated and/or blood shot eyes, and smelly breath Loss of interest in food and lack of sleep Lack of personal hygiene- people lose the will to wash clothes, bathe, and keep up with personal grooming Memory loss- not…