What stresses in the work force contribute to alcohol use? In his paper entitled, “Work Stress and Alcohol Use,” Michael R. Frone, Ph.D. discusses the two major causes of employee alcohol use. He breaks these two causes down into categories: The alienation paradigm occurs when employees are not enriched by their jobs, have no control over content, and are unable to contribute to any decision making as a whole. The stress paradigm occurs when an employee is subject to aversive work conditions, such as: a dangerous work environment, interpersonal conflict, heavy loads, unfair treatment, and job insecurity. For quite some time, alcohol literature addressed these two paradigms as separate concepts, but Frone calls on a study by J.K. Martin to make an argument that these two paradigms should not be considered separately. He calls for the work alienation paradigm to be subsumed by the work stress paradigm because, “theoretical and empirical research suggest(s) that individual difference in the psychological importance of work may be important in explaining when work stressors will be related to alcohol” (285). In layman’s terms, this means that work alienation factors are just more work stressors. All of these stressors could potentially drive an individual to drink. What happens during treatment? At Right Path Drug Rehab, we are dedicated to working with you in order to create a customized addiction recovery program that is tailored specifically for your substance abuse history and severity of addiction. Because…