Rejection and Isolation as the Root of Substance Abuse In her article, “How the Family Unite Can Impact the Outcome of Substance Use Treatment in the LGBT Community,” Marni Low writes that, “psychological distress caused by early family and childhood experiences of rejection and isolation rooted in gender and sexual identity, can lead to mental health and substance abuse issues into adulthood.” At Right Path Drug Rehab, our licensed counselors and therapists are passionate about working with clients to help them dig to the root of their addiction. We know that everyone has had a different experience with drug and alcohol abuse, therefore we create individualized addiction recovery programs for each of our clients. Treatment is always tailored to each individual’s specific needs and history, both with substance abuse and also personal life trauma. Family Therapy as an Integral Aspect of Recovery In Low’s article, she further explains that, “family therapy can provide a supportive environment to address maladaptive communication, relationships patterns and boundaries. Therapy can also provide a platform to educate family members around the substance users’ sexual and gender identity, which may assist in fostering connection, identification, and acceptance.” Family support services at Right Path Drug Rehab are designed to support both the client and their family unit. Our network of providers has two points of focus when it comes to family therapy: To enable productive and effective conversations between the client and their family members in regards…