What Is Marijuana? Marijuana is a form of hemp plant. The plant colors commonly have green and greyish tones. The hemp plant is also more popularly known as cannabis sativa. Marijuana carries many names such as weed, pot, ganja, Mary Jane, and bud. It can have other names depending if the drug is being abused with other illicit drugs. People usually use marijuana to smoke in a joint or blunt, or they consume it in the form of edibles. Edibles can be anything like baked goods, such as brownies. Marijuana can even be consumed as a tea. The Side Effects Marijuana is often associated with side effects such as relaxation, laughter, increased appetite, an altered perception of time, and a sense of euphoria. There are also opposite effects such as acute psychosis, delusions, paranoia, a loss of identity, and hallucinations. Depending on how you take marijuana, the side effects can take up to one hour to appear. Effects are almost immediate when smoking marijuana due to its instant contact with the lungs and blood stream. Thus, the high from consuming marijuana takes longer, since it has to digest within the body. Marijuana Is Addictive? Many have the misconception that marijuana is not addictive; however, it is. Surveys and studies conducted in the year 2013 by NSDUH proved that 4.2 million out of 6.9 million people who abused drugs and alcohol were addicted to marijuana. About 9% of people who began…