What is Crystal Meth? Medically known as methamphetamine, crystal meth is a recreational drug that originates from weight loss prescription medication. The weight loss medication goes under multiple alterations until crystal meth is created. From there, those who abuse crystal meth can choose from three different forms: crystals (original form), powder, or liquid. Those who chose powdered meth can snort it through their nasal passage. The liquid form can be injected anywhere on the body. Both forms enter the bloodstream, almost instantly causing effects much faster. Crystal meth has many street names including Tina, speed, ice, and the Poor Man’s Cocaine. Many chose to abuse crystal meth because it has longer lasting effects than cocaine. According to studies within 2013 done by the NSDUH, about 60% of emergency hospital visits were patients who had been abusing crystal meth. In the same year, 595,000 people admitted to abusing crystal meth within a one month period. Side Effects Crystal meth has been put into two categories: physical and mental. Physical side effects include rapid weight loss, nausea, vomiting, tremors, nosebleeds, skin lesions and welts, and dental decay. Because crystal meth causes the saliva in your mouth to diminish (dry mouth) and malnutrition, it leads to meth mouth, which is a common side effect of decaying teeth that eventually will be lost or will need to be removed. The abuse of meth can also lead to transmitted diseases such as HIV and AIDS…