It can be very hard to admit the need for help when you are struggling with an addiction to illicit drugs or alcohol, but addiction is not a disease that should be fought alone. Patients with broken limbs don’t try to set them alone. They visit the emergency room. Clients with heart disease are put on a treatment plan and supervised by medical doctors. Addiction is classified as a disease and must be approached as such. When an individual enrolls at our drug rehab center, our case managers work with him or her to create a personalized addiction treatment program that caters to his or her individual needs as they relate to treatment and recovery. At Right Path Drug Rehab, our professional staff members guide our clients through a clinically managed detox at the start of treatment. This allows the body and the brain to be able to communicate with each other without any toxins getting in the way. Clinically managed detox means that our clients are never left on their own, and that our staff of professionals will ensure their comfort and safety throughout the entire process. Following a successful detox, our clients reside in luxury housing accommodations with other individuals who are in recovery. While in treatment, clients will participate in various types of therapy such as individual counseling, group sessions, and family therapy. All of these components are integral to lasting sobriety. Adult education classes…

During this time of year, many people rise when it’s dark to go to work and come home when it’s dark once again. There are much fewer chances and reasons to be outdoors during this time of year, especially in states that have snow and rain on a regular basis. Being outside during daylight hours on the weekend can do a body good, but sometimes it just isn’t enough. Even if someone is not living in addiction recovery, it can become very easy to sleep in or go to bed early and make the choice to avoid social affairs. During this time of year, neglecting your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing is very easy to do without even realizing it. Sometimes people will claim, “Oh, you’ve just got the winter blues,” but there is actual a clinical diagnosis for this. It is called Seasonal Affective Disorder. In short, SAD is classified as a seasonal depression that occurs when winter days become dark, short, and cold. Signs of SAD include feelings of exhaustion, irritation, sluggishness, apathy, and a lack of motivation. People who are working hard at managing an addiction, and even those who have been in recovery for quite some time, can be more at risk for this disorder than anyone else. If you or someone you love is experiencing these symptoms, there is a helpful list of activities to engage in to help battle your SAD. Head…

Cigarettes We all know that cigarettes are extremely unhealthy and highly addictive, but do you ever wonder what is actually in the cigarettes that you smoke every day? Besides tobacco, there are a wide variety of chemicals that are in all brands of cigarettes. Some of these chemicals are not only volatile, but also cancerous, such as: Formaldehyde- used to embalm the deceased Polonium 210- radioactive chemical Benzene- found in gasoline Arsenic- used in pesticides Cadmium- found in batteries Carbon Monoxide- found in car exhaust Ammonia- used in cleaners Toluene- chemical in paint thinners From cancerous to poisonous gases, you would think that it cannot get any worse. However it can. Crack in Your Cigarettes Scientific studies have found that some cigarettes contain a little extra kick for consumers. This kick is crack nicotine. What is crack nicotine you ask? Crack nicotine is the residue that rises to the top of a nicotine and sulfate mixture used to create your tobacco. This residue is highly potent and addictive. Another name given to crack nicotine is freebased nicotine. The reason why this remaining chemical is known as crack nicotine is because it is made from the same procedure that is used to create cocaine hydrochloride powder. “Crack” Nicotine Can’t Be That Bad?…Right? Freebased nicotine is more harmful to your health than nicotine alone. When crack nicotine is within your cigarette, you can experience a heightened alertness…

What Are Inhalants? Inhalants can be everyday products that you have in your home or in your office. These products include paint, glues, and cleaning products that have strong volatile chemicals that can cause psychosis (mind altering properties). For the most part, people do not normally see these items as something to abuse. It is more common among adolescents and teens; however, percentages are raised for adults who are already abusing other substances. How Are Inhalants Abused? Typically, inhalants are sniffed through the nasal passages or heavily breathed into the mouth. This is known as “huffing,” and it usually happens when the substance is still in its container. Abusers of inhalants can huff products in spray cans, glue dispensers, and cleaning supplies. Those who abuse inhalants can even breathe the fumes out of balloons, plastic bags, or paper bags. Inhalant abusers can also use breathe into a rag that has been soaked in chemicals. The side effects of inhalants last only a few minutes; however, those who abuse inhalants will continue to breath in the products for a longer period of time. What Are The Side Effects? Short term side effects of inhalants include dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Long term effects are more serious and harmful to you body. These side effects are bone marrow damage, hearing loss, liver, and kidney failure. Inhalants can cause brain damage due to the lack of oxygen that your brain is receiving. In addition,…

College Life Being admitted into college is a huge success and milestone in life no matter the age; however, the stresses of college life can take a mental and physical toll on the body. For young people, going to college is a huge transition, especially for those who will be moving out on their own. Becoming a college student adds more responsibility such as a full class schedule, a part time job, and endless hours of studying. Sometimes the stresses and new environment of being a college student can lead to temptations such as binge drinking and substance abuse. Pour One For The Homies Alcohol is one of the leading substances that is abused on college campuses. According to the NIAAA, about forty percent of the population admitted to binge drinking within a two week time frame. Of that forty percent, twenty two percent are college students. Many of those students reported that drinking helped relax them or helped relieve themselves of stress. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol to solve problems doesn’t fix everything. In fact, the high consumption of alcohol has lead to about seventeen hundred deaths within the college student population. Six hundred and ninety-six college students were assaulted and about twenty-two percent of the college population was academically punished due to alcohol abuse. “Fresh Meat” As an incoming college freshman, alcohol can sometimes be the least of their worries. The emotional stability of those who are new college students…

It can be both physically and emotionally painful to watch someone you love suffer from an addiction. Oftentimes it can be difficult to figure out the best way to help them. Traditional “intervention” scenarios usually leave the user feeling caught off guard, embarrassed, ashamed, or even angry. You might think it would take a miracle to cause your loved one to want to find help, but recent studies have found the CRAFT intervention approach to be more effective than a traditional, stereotypical intervention approach. What is CRAFT? There are three main facets of a CRAFT style intervention: Be prepared with a list of treatment options for your loved one. Before sitting down with him or her, it is imperative that you create a viable plan that includes already researched possibilities, such as making calls, asking about insurance, waiting lists, and criteria of admissions. Recognize “dips” and “wishes”. When an individual is dealing with an addiction, there are always moments where he or she will feel motivation to change the addictive behavior. These are ideal moments to bring up the idea of addiction treatment. A “dip” is when the individual displays frustration, embarrassment, sadness, or shame about something that is a result of their substance abuse. A “wish” is when the individual says something like “I want to get a job,” or “I wish I could go back to school.” Bringing up treatment during these scenarios are the best time to…

Flakka? You Mean The Rapper? No, unfortunately we do not. Flakka happens to be a new form of bath salt that has been found in various parts of the nation. Its first appearance was made in Florida when a man who had been abusing Flakka called 911 in a panic. The side effects of Flakka are similar to, and may be even more powerful than, the bath salts it originates from. Usually, bath salts are consumed, smoked, or injected, depending on the form. The side effects of bath salts are hallucinations, euphoria, and superhuman like strength. The Downers and Dangers Flakka is a stimulant; therefore, the side effects are intense and full of high energy. However, these side effects can lead to seizures, muscle spasms, paranoia, kidney failure, heart failure, renal failure, and death. Another effect of Flakka includes the sensation that you are being chased by a mob of people who are trying to kill you. Also, your body temperature can spike up to one hundred and five degrees. This is known as hyperthermia, and it can lead to death if not immediately taken care of. Due to the downers and dangers of flakka, a reported one hundred and twenty six deaths occurred within the year 2013. Stop and Drop The Flakka! If you know someone who is thinking about trying flakka for the first time, do not let them! Explain to them the serious side effects that can…

What We Know and Think We Know About Addiction We know that addiction is a disease that affects the mind, body, and soul. Addiction is extremely hard to overcome, and even when you think you have, there are still triggers and temptations everywhere you go. Those who struggle with substance abuse will forever have to work on themselves and their sobriety. We believe that to help those who are dependent on drugs and alcohol, they must be isolated and in a sense “punished” for their mistakes. However, what results have we as a nation, or as a world, seen with this sort of approach? What We Should Know About Addiction In a TED Talk starring Johann Hari, it is clear that this “American Way” of dealing with those who are dependent on drug and alcohol is not providing the right treatment they need. Drugs were banned about a century ago from both America and Britain, and it spread throughout the world. It became an idea that if we punished those who were addicted to substances, we could “cure” them. However, we kept seeing the same patterns. We should know that isolation is not the key to helping someone with an addiction. Instead, we should socialize them. Those who abuse substances begin their addiction because they are isolated and alone. They believe they have nothing to look forward to each day, they have no support, and drugs and alcohol are the…

It can be difficult to reach out for help when you are battling an addiction to drugs or alcohol. In fact, asking for assistance can often be the hardest step of your journey. One of the most common reasons people in the workforce are hesitant to attend an addiction recovery program at a drug rehab center is the fear over losing their position with their company. It is extremely important for drug and alcohol abusers to understand their legal rights and how to utilize them within the workplace. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is responsible for providing addicts with the legal security needed to retain employment while seeking help from an addiction treatment center. If the disease of addiction proceeds untreated, it is highly likely that it will progress to a degree where serious life and health consequences will take a toll on the user. The only way to successfully treat drug or alcohol addiction is to ensure that the user is placed into a dual diagnosis addiction treatment center. Dual diagnosis means that the physical and psychological aspects of the addiction will be addressed and treated. Left untreated, this disease can easily become the cause of family issues, health problems, likelihood of job loss, and financial issues as well. What Is FMLA? The Family Medical Leave Act is the law that provides up to 12 weeks of job security with insurance for individuals who have worked…

Do You Have An Addiction To Heroin? Heroin is an extremely dangerous opioid drug. Those who are addicted to heroin experience many painful side effects and symptoms of withdrawal when they do not have access to the drug. Some of the side effects of heroin include drowsiness, dilated pupils, nausea, dry mouth and euphoria. The withdrawal symptoms are blue lips and fingernails, the shallowing of breath, coma, and even death. If you have been abusing heroin and are experiencing any of these side effects or withdrawal symptoms, then you may be addicted. Addiction Recovery Right Path Drug Rehab understands that being addicted to heroin is difficult to overcome. That is why we offer a broad spectrum of services that can help you recuperate from your addiction to heroin. It is important to always surround yourself with proper support and positive coping mechanisms to help you avoid relapsing. One of the things we recommend, especially if you are returning home after your 30, 60, to 90 day addiction recovery program, is the newly developed addiction recovery app. An App? For Addiction Recovery? Thats right! Thanks to the efforts of Brandi Spaulding and her colleagues from the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, you can now have your addiction recovery needs at the touch of button. At the moment, the app is available for Android Smartphone users; however, they are currently programming the app to be used for iPhones as well. So…