Flakka? You Mean The Rapper? No, unfortunately we do not. Flakka happens to be a new form of bath salt that has been found in various parts of the nation. Its first appearance was made in Florida when a man who had been abusing Flakka called 911 in a panic. The side effects of Flakka are similar to, and may be even more powerful than, the bath salts it originates from. Usually, bath salts are consumed, smoked, or injected, depending on the form. The side effects of bath salts are hallucinations, euphoria, and superhuman like strength. The Downers and Dangers Flakka is a stimulant; therefore, the side effects are intense and full of high energy. However, these side effects can lead to seizures, muscle spasms, paranoia, kidney failure, heart failure, renal failure, and death. Another effect of Flakka includes the sensation that you are being chased by a mob of people who are trying to kill you. Also, your body temperature can spike up to one hundred and five degrees. This is known as hyperthermia, and it can lead to death if not immediately taken care of. Due to the downers and dangers of flakka, a reported one hundred and twenty six deaths occurred within the year 2013. Stop and Drop The Flakka! If you know someone who is thinking about trying flakka for the first time, do not let them! Explain to them the serious side effects that can…