College Life Being admitted into college is a huge success and milestone in life no matter the age; however, the stresses of college life can take a mental and physical toll on the body. For young people, going to college is a huge transition, especially for those who will be moving out on their own. Becoming a college student adds more responsibility such as a full class schedule, a part time job, and endless hours of studying. Sometimes the stresses and new environment of being a college student can lead to temptations such as binge drinking and substance abuse. Pour One For The Homies Alcohol is one of the leading substances that is abused on college campuses. According to the NIAAA, about forty percent of the population admitted to binge drinking within a two week time frame. Of that forty percent, twenty two percent are college students. Many of those students reported that drinking helped relax them or helped relieve themselves of stress. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol to solve problems doesn’t fix everything. In fact, the high consumption of alcohol has lead to about seventeen hundred deaths within the college student population. Six hundred and ninety-six college students were assaulted and about twenty-two percent of the college population was academically punished due to alcohol abuse. “Fresh Meat” As an incoming college freshman, alcohol can sometimes be the least of their worries. The emotional stability of those who are new college students…