Cigarettes We all know that cigarettes are extremely unhealthy and highly addictive, but do you ever wonder what is actually in the cigarettes that you smoke every day? Besides tobacco, there are a wide variety of chemicals that are in all brands of cigarettes. Some of these chemicals are not only volatile, but also cancerous, such as: Formaldehyde- used to embalm the deceased Polonium 210- radioactive chemical Benzene- found in gasoline Arsenic- used in pesticides Cadmium- found in batteries Carbon Monoxide- found in car exhaust Ammonia- used in cleaners Toluene- chemical in paint thinners From cancerous to poisonous gases, you would think that it cannot get any worse. However it can. Crack in Your Cigarettes Scientific studies have found that some cigarettes contain a little extra kick for consumers. This kick is crack nicotine. What is crack nicotine you ask? Crack nicotine is the residue that rises to the top of a nicotine and sulfate mixture used to create your tobacco. This residue is highly potent and addictive. Another name given to crack nicotine is freebased nicotine. The reason why this remaining chemical is known as crack nicotine is because it is made from the same procedure that is used to create cocaine hydrochloride powder. “Crack” Nicotine Can’t Be That Bad?…Right? Freebased nicotine is more harmful to your health than nicotine alone. When crack nicotine is within your cigarette, you can experience a heightened alertness…