Drug and alcohol addiction is a serious disease that should not be taken lightly. Due to the higher accessibility of drugs, it is easier for people to become addicted. Drug addiction does not only affect the person physically but also mentally; however, with proper therapies and treatments, addiction can be successfully treated and managed. Following are some therapies that have proved to be effective in treating addictions: Individual Therapy: In this therapy, the client meets with the trained therapist and discusses his background and triggers. The environment is safe, caring, and confidential between them. The therapist uses different techniques and methods to work with the client. He tells the client about the side effects of drugs. Individual therapy is useful when we are dealing with clients with dual diagnosis i.e. more than one disorder or problem. For example if a person is suffering from severe depression and suicidal thoughts along with drug addiction, he or she would be treated with a dual diagnosis. Group Therapy: Usually group therapies are given preference because it takes place in presence of others who are dealing with the same diagnosis or illness. In this type of therapy, the person is challenged and supported by others at the same time. This social interaction proves to be a motivation for the client. This is a great location for bonding between clients in the same addiction treatment program. CBT: Cognitive behavioral therapy works best when you want…