Whether you are navigating the tricky waters of recovery for yourself, or if you are trying to help a loved one through a tough time, knowing how to nourish and care for the recovering body is an essential part of the process. Many who are embarking a clean living sober lifestyle aren’t aware of the damage that can be done by addiction and abuse. To get the body back in the right track involves awareness and changes to nutrition, helping the system to clear toxins and lingering chemicals. So what does addiction do to the human body? It damages the liver, leaving the organ unable to do its primary job of filtering nasty toxins. Liver cancer is a possible result as years of abuse cause to liver to swell and become inflamed. It compromises the immune system. Addicts will often suffer from ailments minor to more serious as the abuse lowers its ability to fight off even simple viruses and bacteria. It destroys appearance and in turn causes the user to feel self-conscious about their looks. Sufferers often notice bad & yellowed skin, weight loss, rotted teeth and reddened eyes. Some of these things are irreversible even after recovery. It stops the brain from making natural chemicals that induce positive feelings. It causes the user to become malnourished. Most users fail to eat properly and don’t get enough essential vitamins and nutrients. Chronic stomach issues are quite common amongst those…