One of the main reasons people don’t seek help for their addictions is the fear of being labeled an ‘addict’ or an ‘alcoholic,’ terms which hold great stigma in today’s society. And their fears are not unfounded. People who don’t suffer from addiction or have never had experience with those that suffer from this disorder often think that addicts are simply weak, lazy or unmotivated, and this attitude can cause friends and family to turn their backs on people in their time of greatest need. Being labeled an ‘addict’ can also affect a person’s job prospects, ability to receive aid and even ability to find a place to live. It’s no wonder, then, that so many people seeking treatment wish to do so anonymously. So how can you or someone you love stay anonymous during treatment? What protections are there to keep your identity safe and keep your public image clean? Staying anonymous while attending rehab is actually quite a bit easier than most would think. Rehab treatment centers are considered medical facility and as such, they are protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) which provides privacy and protection to client’s medical records. This law means that future employers, landlords, friends and family can’t simply call a treatment facility and ask for your information. And in fact, these treatment facilities are further bound by The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records Privacy Law,…

Alcohol is commonly used by people in order to relax and in order to celebrate special occasions. Alcohol has the ability to dull the senses and put people into a happy stupor, one of the primary reasons it is so commonly used for celebrations. Alcohol’s mind altering effects can also be highly addictive for some people, causing them to regularly drink in excess. So is it really possible for someone who drinks in excess to be able to limit their alcohol intake to only a few drinks? Moderation with alcohol has been a method to help heavy drinkers since the 1960s, following the line of thinking that drinking a few drinks would be easier for those that enjoy drinking than giving up alcohol cold turkey. Some have found this method effective in being able to gain control over their alcohol intake. If you have a loved one that is abusing alcohol, suggesting that they start to drink in moderation will be met with less resistance than if you were to suggest that they completely give up alcohol. By testing to see if they can control their intake of alcohol to a moderate level, those who drink in excess will be able to determine whether they really have an alcohol addiction or not. Those who are unable to get a handle on their drinking problem are very likely to have an alcohol addiction and failing to drink in moderation…

Heroin is among the most harmful and addicting substances on earth, but drug rehabilitation centers across the world help countless heroin abusers make long lasting recoveries each year. Partial hospitalization and outpatient drug rehab plans help addicts from every area of life build effective coping techniques for coping with stressful and craving inducing conditions. Listed below are some of the most crucial process of drug rehab for heroin. Rapid Detoxification Detoxification is a key initial step for many people going to inpatient drug addiction and alcoholism treatment. Addicts build actual dependencies on drugs which ingest their thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns. Only a good detox can reduce these instant physical dependencies and let rehab sufferers to successfully engage their treatments. For those dependent on alcohol, cocaine or psychotropic drugs, abstaining signs and symptoms usually last throughout their five to fourteen day detoxes. Although anxiety, depression, serious pain and other signs are difficult to withstand, they can be efficiently managed. However, heroin addicts’ abstaining symptoms may be harmful and even critical. People dependent on heroin and other opiates are known to undergo seizure, cardiac arrest and heart trembling as they are lacking drugs. To improve the detoxification process and mitigate these signs, rehabilitation centers often use specific drugs to stimulate rapid detox for heroin users. Victims go through days of abstaining within hours and can instantly proceed to their treatment plans. Evidence based therapy The most reliable remedies for heroin addicts…

Drug abuse among the elderly is a very common occurrence particularly in age 65 and older that often goes without being clinically diagnosed. Many people consider drug abuse as problems that mainly afflict younger people that have a reckless bent, but dependence does not discriminate. As a matter of fact, statistics reveal that substance abuse rates are generally higher among individuals with age 65 and older compared to the common population. However, the explosion of prescribed drugs for healing all sorts of discomfort and pains has resulted in a rise in relevant dependence in the elderly. The loss of a life-long partner or spouse may also cause a general change in substance abuse. Possibly it starts with drugs before night time, but leads to the reliance on several drugs in order to get through the period. However there are 2 main categories of substance abuse within the elderly. First, you will find those who have been addicted either constantly or on and off in their entire lives. Therefore, elderly addiction is simply a continuation of a long-term pattern. Second, you will find those who come to substance addiction later in life. This commonly occurs due to chronic pain or other health conditions, or as a response to the loss of a partner or isolation. Substance abuse recovery for elderly victims includes a special set of problems. For instance, elderly people that have been abusing for many years sometimes consider themselves…

With all the pressures on students these days to pass difficult examinations and consistently be at the head of the class, it’s no wonder many are turning to dangerous prescription drugs to boost their performance. Many feel enhancing their ability to study and concentrate with so-called “smart drugs” is the only way to perform well enough to compete in today’s ultra-competitive landscape. But what are these drugs actually doing to student’s brains, and are they safe? What Are “Smart Drugs?” “Smart drugs” is a term that refers to a group of medications that are typically given to patients with ADHD, depression or other neurological conditions where a chemical imbalance causes the inability to concentrate, focus or stay awake and alert properly. For these patients, medicines like Adderall, Ritalin and Modafinil stimulate the brain to make up for the deficiency caused by the neurological condition, and they are quite effective in allowing these patients to gain the focus they need. However, students without these chemical imbalances have started taking these same drugs, thinking that they will receive the same benefits of increased concentration, improved focus and greater alertness. Many take these drugs before a big exam or project is due, using them to pull extensive all-night cram sessions. In fact, many students are so dependent on these drugs, they can’t or won’t sit down to study without them. But what effects are these prescription drugs having on the…

Individuals who are addicted to any substance are suffering from a chronic brain disease in which they do not possess the ability to decide and control their cravings for a particular need. The negative personal, social or physical consequences do not have any impact on them and they are unable to find a reason to fight the craving. Most of these individuals indulge in alcohol, gambling or smoking to fight stress or feel good. The cells in one’s brain’s reward center become excited due to these drugs and eventually the chemical structure of the brain gets disturbed. One might wonder how some individuals are able to smoke or drink without thinking about repercussions whereas some others need to fight the urge and habit. There are certain factors that make addiction a disease and not just a state of the mind. Other than one’s genetic makeup the age at which they start engaging in the activity and the level of stress and their vulnerability are some of the key factors. Chronic Disorder Being addicted is not just a behavioral problem that individuals face, as it is a chronic brain disorder. After numerous researches scientists have declared that addiction is not related only to substance abuse, which has led to it being redefined. The process of research had been extended for almost four years where several experts were involved. Now, addition can no longer be considered as a moral, social or…

When you decide to get help for your addiction, you have many more decisions to make such as where to go to get treatment for your particular addiction. Addiction comes in many forms and the way that your addiction manifests itself can play a large role in the kind of addiction treatment that you seek. For example, those who have a gambling addiction would not have to seek treatment at a facility that has 24 hour medical staff, while that type of facility would be necessary for those who are addicted to heavy drugs like heroine. Things to factor into your decision are your medical needs, the type of addiction that you have, and even your personal religious beliefs. Many religious organizations offer some form of help for addicts, with many religious affiliated treatment centers operating throughout the country. If you are not a religious person, you may feel uncomfortable at such a facility. On the other hand, you may also find that these religious organizations offer you a strong network and easy coping methods that suit you. Deciding on a facility comes down in some ways to personal preference, such as whether or not to pick a facility that incorporates spiritual guidance along with addiction therapy. This is your journey through addiction recovery and ultimately you will know what treatment methods will work for you and which ones will not. The type of addiction you have will…

When you are through with the treatment for any addiction and are recovering, there are certain symptoms that will show up during this period. Overcoming these side effects or symptoms is a herculean task as this as one of the toughest periods in the life of a person who has quit addiction. The symptoms usually vary with the kind of addiction. Sadness is a state of being unhappy, sorrowful, or gloomy as a result of certain occurrence. As humans we become sad whenever we experience something unpleasant or a particular undesirable outcome has happened. When an individual is sad, such individual undergoes lots of emotional changes that can be serious at times, especially if they are going through their recovery process. An individual’s ability to understand that the sadness experienced as a result of the addictions they have quit is the first step to being able to cope with it. During the period of recovery, the peson needs to be sincere about the happenings in their life and get the necessary support that they need. Here are some few tips on successfully coping with sadness during addiction recovery: Avoid those still in the mess: Former colleagues and friends who are still into the addiction should be avoided. Staying around those with the particular addiction you are trying to quit will definitely make you crave for such lifestyle and deny yourself such pleasure if at all you are successful will make…

Making the decision to go to rehabilitation to break your drug addiction is a hard enough decision, but you also must decide whether to go to an inpatient or outpatient facility. This is a decision that will also affect your family and friends, as well as the amount of freedom that you will have while in rehab. Choosing which type of facility is right for you is dependent on a few different factors such as cost, your level of addiction, and any medical issues that may coincide with the detoxification process. You may find that at the beginning you will want to go to an inpatient facility to detox and get your life in order, then go to an outpatient center to learn how to manage your addiction in real life situations. The Benefits of an Inpatient Center Inpatient centers are the most prevalent type of rehabilitation facilities. In this type of facility, a patient undergoes treatment for a determined amount of time, between 28 to 90 days. During this process, the patient will have to be monitored through withdrawal and will be taught how they can beat their addiction. Those who may have mental or health problems in addition to their addiction are prime candidates for inpatient facilities because they are able to be closely monitored throughout their recovery process. An inpatient facility is beneficial for addicts because it allows them to get away from bad influences and…

12 Step programs are the most common and most effective method groups and rehab facilities have used in order to help recovering addicts of alcohol and narcotics. This is a system that has been used since the 1930s and has proven to be one of the best ways to treat a person We know, it is difficult to admit to an addiction and even more so to seek out help to recover from it in fear of the stigma attached to it but you just have to find the strength to admit that you need help but once you do get it through trained people who know how best to handle you and your situation, you will be surprised by the results you get from the 12 step program they employ. Here are some of the top benefits of the 12 Step program: You being to realize that you are not alone. In situations where people are addicted to alcohol or even narcotics they often feel alone in their situations. But with the program they hear other people’s stories and being to find parallels between the other person and themselves. Recovering addicts, have been found to have an increased rate of recover once they realize that they are not alone in their addiction and not as ostracized as they once thought themselves to be 12 Step programs are not magic; they do not convince you that there is some miracle…