12 Step programs are the most common and most effective method groups and rehab facilities have used in order to help recovering addicts of alcohol and narcotics. This is a system that has been used since the 1930s and has proven to be one of the best ways to treat a person We know, it is difficult to admit to an addiction and even more so to seek out help to recover from it in fear of the stigma attached to it but you just have to find the strength to admit that you need help but once you do get it through trained people who know how best to handle you and your situation, you will be surprised by the results you get from the 12 step program they employ. Here are some of the top benefits of the 12 Step program: You being to realize that you are not alone. In situations where people are addicted to alcohol or even narcotics they often feel alone in their situations. But with the program they hear other people’s stories and being to find parallels between the other person and themselves. Recovering addicts, have been found to have an increased rate of recover once they realize that they are not alone in their addiction and not as ostracized as they once thought themselves to be 12 Step programs are not magic; they do not convince you that there is some miracle…