Maybe you’re reading this right now because you think you might need some help overcoming your addiction. We’re glad you’re here. Addiction is an illness that takes a team to treat. If you had a broken bone or a contagious disease, you wouldn’t try to fix those illnesses or injuries on your own, would you? Our team at Right Path Drug Rehab is dedicated to walking down the path of recovery with each one of our clients. We offer customized addiction treatment programs at our luxury drug rehab center. Read on to find out if this is the right place for you or someone you love. Take an honest inventory of the following signs of addiction. Physical dependence on alcohol or drugs is generally a very telling sign that drug rehab is a good idea. Dependence means that the body needs the drug or alcohol in order to properly function. People who have a physical dependence will deal with painful symptoms of withdrawal when they do not use for an extended period of time. Tolerance is another telling sign. If it takes more and more alcohol or doses of drugs to achieve the same effects that were reached in the beginning, this means the body is beginning to tolerate the drug. Tolerance encourages the individual to use an even greater amount of alcohol and drugs over time. Other potential signs that you should seek help are financial issues, making…

Being sober is tough enough, but creating a new start in life is in several ways a much more challenging task. At first, you must get through the signs of denial and conquer the urges that you feel for an additional drink or more drugs. Moving back in the workday world and resuming a regular lifestyle just after spending years as an addict is unlike coming out of a cave and it is a way of transition which takes many steps, changes and solutions to really accomplish. If you have gotten sober, or working on your treatment and want to ensure you are able to make things go right after treatment, below are actions you can take to enhance your prospects of success. Slow and Steady It usually happens that someone who has recovered from substance addiction thinks that he or she is willing to charge back and take life by the horns, only fall flat on his or her face. You might feel great, reinvigorated and energized, and you have to completely enjoy life to its fullest; but don’t take above what you can manage. The pace of own life is quite different now, so it is well worth it to take the time readjusting. Discover what is expected from you Other step you should take in respect to your interactions with friends and family is to talk to them and discover what they expect you to do, the…

When a family member or close friend is addicted to a substance, it can be hard to know how, or when to help. Often it’s through the support of family and friends who truly care about the addict that helps them make changes in their life, but the reality is that too much help can produce a reverse effect. There is a fine line between helping an addict and making it easier for him or her to stay addicted. Because addiction is a type of illness, often the good intentions of family is not enough to solve the problem. That being said, the family can help in a variety of ways. Sometimes they can be the support network the addict needs to start treatment with a professional. Families can also set and enforce boundaries that make it harder to continue to use the substance. Problems result when the addict starts using their family to fuel their addiction. Since addiction stops a person from thinking rationally, the person may not even know what they are doing to their family. All they know is that they need their fix. When the situation gets to this point, the addict will, inadvertently or not, start harming their family in one way or another. If the addict is not accepting positive help, then it is probably time to practice tough love and make them go on alone. If they live with…

There is a big difference between moderate drinking and drinking problem. At a time when drinking becomes a regular part of life and results in negative consequences, there could be a very serious problem. There are many signs that can help you identify alcohol dependence and to stop it. The first step that needs to be done is to figure out what is the problem, what causes it and how to find help. How to recognize a person with a drinking problem? Someone who has a drinking problem will hardly admit to themselves and to family. But there are signs that might indicate a problem: You drink, despite feeling ashamed of your drinking You forget what happened while you were drinking, because you drink too much You need to drink in order to relax, have fun or be part of a group You drink, despite feeling guilty about your drinking You are lying to others or hiding your drinking habits. Denial is what prevents many individuals from seeking help for alcoholism or alcohol abuse. The need to drink is so great that the brain comes up with all kinds of reasons as to why it should be done despite grave consequences. Denial that alcoholism is present can cause issues with finances, relationships, and the workplace. It also keeps you from looking honestly at your behavior. How to get help for alcoholism? The first step in solving a problem with alcohol…

Addictions and beliefs go hand in hand, and in fact, it is ultimately your beliefs that back up and cement your addictions! Therefore, the cure for addictions can never be solely medicinal because there is no medication that can subdue or eliminate beliefs, and addicts require psychological counselling to get rid of these corroding beliefs that promote addictions. Logic and reasoning plays a great role in eliminating and discouraging negative beliefs and altering them into positive behaviours and beliefs. Beliefs, like all other human psychological traits, are also subjected to manipulation and alteration, and the use of Neuro Linguistic Programming can work wonders on taking out addicts from an addictive loop by altering and changing their belief systems entirely! In this article, we will take a look at how beliefs tend to encourage our addictions. Psychologists believe that all addictions begin as a response to uncontrollable and overpowering emotions, for instance, stress, pain, fear and loneliness among others. Addicts use drugs and addictive substances to relieve themselves of these overwhelming emotions, for instance, Heroin tends to numb the pain and relax the body, cannabis and weed tend to make one happy etc. Therefore, addictions are encouraged by the belief that the addictive substance will help fight pain, stress, and anxiety or simply, make someone happy, love or cherished. The primary aim of the addict is to fit in, and manage all that is overwhelming, frightening or difficult to confront in…

Most people who have trouble with addiction can get the help they want through rehabilitation. However, people that suffer from addiction are usually worried about what rehab really involves and how long it will take. When someone is suffering from addiction, help can be obtained at an addiction rehab center. The kind of therapy and length of stay needed Right Path Drug Rehab depends on the person’s condition. Different addicts may also need varying stages of persisted recovery endeavors after medical treatment. Here are some comprehensive details on the length of the most helpful drug rehab programs we offer. Detoxification People that abuse opiates, narcotics and other addictive drugs usually have to cleanse before they can start their longer-term treatments. Detoxification is a basic method of drug reduction that weans people of their actual dependencies on drugs and lets them to easily engage their therapies. It normally takes 5 to 14 days during which addicts can plan to receive specific guidance and special treatments to help cope with their abstaining symptoms. Inpatient Treatment Residential inpatient therapy is the commonest drug rehab plan for individuals seeking treatment for the very first time. Programs usually last for 30, 60, or 90 days, and sufferers require living long-term at their rehab centers as they get 50 or more hours of treatment per week. While those who misuse marijuana or other psychedelic drugs may attain good results with short inpatient stays, the three month…