No one wants to see their loved one suffer; however, sometimes when we’re trying to help, we end up further enabling the addiction. This can be a hard truth to accept, especially when we would never want to knowingly do something like that. By becoming aware of these enabling behaviours, we can do a better job at constructively helping our addicted loved ones. Right Path Drug Rehab wants to see all of our clients succeed and thrive. We hope that these suggestions help you come up with helpful alternatives when it comes to interacting with your loved one. Let’s talk about compensating for the behavior. What does this mean? Perhaps your loved one has promised you that he or she is going to find a job but insists a computer is necessary to look for one. Did you give him or a her a laptop? Was it later sold for drug money? Maybe they asked to borrow your car to get to work but crashed it while driving under the influence. Of course you want your loved one to find a job and succeed in life. You don’t want him or her to suffer, but here’s the truth of it: when you take away their suffering, you are also taking away their opportunity to make a real change. What about lying and covering things up? Do you ever hide things for your loved one or partner? Do you…