Did your loved one attend an addiction treatment program and then experience a relapse? Did he or she agree to check in, only to check out days later? There are several reasons as to why these things could have occurred: the treatment may have been low quality, the addiction treatment program may not have been the right match for the person you care about, or maybe your loved one wasn’t actually interested in getting sober at that time. Addiction treatment at a drug rehab center will never work for those who aren’t serious about making a fresh start. Let’s Talk About Motivation Motivation is a tricky thing. It comes and goes throughout any behavioral change, not just addiction recovery. The best time to talk to your loved one is when they are feeling motivated to actually make a positive life change and leave the drugs or alcohol behind. Motivation can be recognized through wishes or hopes. If your loved one says, “I wish I could get a job,” this is a great time to gently bring up that getting clean is the first step to achieving that wish. If he or she says, “I hope I’ll be able to get my own place one day,” this is another good time to ask if they would be willing to look over your research on addiction recovery programs. If the answer is no, don’t get mad or shame them. Just…