Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant drug that resembles amphetamine and has similar effects to other stimulants like cocaine. Also called chalk, ice, glass, and crystal, meth delivers up to three times the dopamine payload that cocaine does, making it one of the most addictive drugs treated by addiction recovery centers. Methamphetamine is a Schedule II drug, meaning that it has some medical use, but the only prescriptions written for methamphetamine are for severe attention deficit disorder, depression, or obesity, and only if people haven’t responded to other treatments. Many healthcare professionals are rightly concerned about the extremely addictive properties of meth, which sends hundreds of thousands of Americans into addiction and addiction treatment facilities each year. Because meth can be made with easily attainable over-the-counter materials, it can be produced in regular neighborhoods and homes, though the toxic fumes often make the dwelling uninhabitable, and deadly explosions are a constant danger due to the volatile compounds. However, home labs only create enough meth to sell a few local hits, while drug cartels and traffickers use super labs to manufacture huge quantities of the drug. Meth is produced as a white pill or powder that can be smoked, snorted, or injected. Crystal meth comes in blue-white crystal form and can be smoked and inhaled. The high that comes from meth is immensely powerful but fades relatively quickly, prompting people to binge on meth, sometimes for days at…