Right Path Drug Rehab knows how difficult it can be to make the decision to attend treatment at a drug rehab center. We also know how difficult it can be to think about letting your children know. Many individuals who enroll in an addiction treatment program have said that they are unconvinced that their addiction affects their kids. This is often based on the fact that the kids are young, or the individual in question believes he or she has been able to hide the addiction from his or her children. Most of the time, this is not the case. Children are very perceptive and smart. Even if they cannot grasp what an addiction is, they certainly know that things have not been right in the home. With the youngest of children, the conversation can be as simple as letting them know that the parent is sick and will be away from home getting better. Explaining that the parent is sick helps the child to grasp that the absence has nothing to do with them or their behavior. Young children thrive on routine. While the parent is in treatment, it is important to stick to the daily routine as much as possible, even without that parent in the home. Oftentimes clients are hesitant to attend treatment because they are concerned about being away from their children for so long. If this is something you are worried about, please…