Tranquilizers are used to combat mental illness and instability of all kinds. The drug, almost always taken in pill form, is classified into major and minor tranquilizers. The former, like its name denotes, is used to treat major form of mental illness, while the latter is used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and panic attacks. While most forms of sedatives, any drug that slows down the nervous system, are not widely misused, tranquilizers are. Ambien and barbiturates are two infamous downers, depressants, and sedatives. These drugs can be extremely addictive and can cause dependence and withdrawal in addition to other side effects. Considering tranquilizers ease tension and stress, are highly addictive, and easily obtained from multiple doctors, reliance on sedatives may be a fluid and alarming transition from a relieved mind to a withdrawing body. According to drug information website for rehabilitation center Narconon, 140,000 people will abuse these drugs for the first time every year. The writer also adds that there are more than two million American users. Just how addictive are these strangely common prescription pills? According to George Washington University, “barbiturates are one of the most addictive types of drugs.” Due to their mellowing nature, sedatives are often taken liberally to numb anxiety, stress, and depression. The physical effects of sedatives and tranquilizers range from malfunctioning sexual activity to breathing disorders to intense withdrawal. When coming off a powerful drug like barbiturates, the detox patient may have fits…