Drug addiction, which is classified as a chronic disease, can occur as a result of a variety of different substances. Recovery from an addiction to drugs can be derailed by the substances that initially fueled the addiction, especially when such drugs are known for being highly addictive. Prolonged use of drugs which possess addictive properties can also lead to a series of related personal, professional, and health problems that are likely to require treatment at a drug rehab clinic equipped to handle the complexities of addiction. While almost all illicit substances possess some addictive properties, there is a reason that certain drugs have a reputation for being more addictive than others. Here’s ten of the most addictive drugs available today. Heroin: Addiction to heroin is fueled by a rapidly developing tolerance, which encourages increased usage and greater dependency. The opioid drug produces a feeling of euphoria and an intense high by facilitating the release of the neurotransmitter histamine. It also possesses an analgesic effect, meaning it relieves pain, further increasing dependence. Some substance abuse treatment facilities administer methadone in order to help assuage the symptoms of opioid withdrawal, as methadone can reduce withdrawal symptoms without providing the high commonly associated with heroin and other narcotics. Cocaine and crack cocaine: The cycle of dependency characteristic of cocaine is due to the short duration of its effects and the subsequent anxiety and paranoia as the high wears off. Users are often searching…