Pregnancy can be a challenging time. There are opinions to spare as well-meaning family, friends, and even complete strangers offer you unsolicited advice for having a healthy pregnancy and raising your child. One topic that is often raised when pregnancy is involved is the risks associated with consuming alcohol while pregnant. According to the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, there is no safe amount of alcohol you can ingest, nor is any type of alcohol safer than the rest. This is because the alcohol in the mother’s blood passes straight through the umbilical cord and into the growing baby. Fetal life is delicate, and alcohol can negatively affect the cells as they divide and duplicate. Risks Of Alcohol During Pregnancy There are a plethora of risks associated with consuming alcohol during your pregnancy. These include: Premature Birth Brain Damage Birth defects, especially those affecting the heart, eyes, hearing, kidneys, and bones Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Low Birthweight Cognitive delays and disorders Miscarriage Stillbirth It Is Possible To Stop Drinking If you cannot stop drinking, despite how much you may want to, you may have an addiction. Remember, alcohol is the most commonly used drug, and is extremely addictive in nature. Do not despair, you are not alone. Recovery from drug addiction is possible, and there is an addiction recovery facility that is right for you. The first step is to admit that you have a problem,…