The nexus between substance abuse and the entertainment industry is painfully underscored by the toll it has taken on legendary musical acts. The life of musical performers is often filled with hedonistic pursuits, which is why the adage of sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll will always hold true. Sadly, drug use is to blame for the destruction of many musicians, including the five listed below. This list is a painful reminder that drug addiction is a terrible state of mind, and drug addiction awareness and recovery should be discussed more often. Contact Right Path Drug Rehab today if you or your loved one is addicted to drugs, we will gladly connect you with the perfect addiction recovery center for your situation. 1 – Jane’s Addiction All members of this legendary alternative rock band were extremely talented, but they all had issues with drug use. Two of the band’s members in the early 1990s sought recovery and were able to surmount their addictions, however, Dave Navarro and Eric Avery faced a difficult time reintegrating with Jane’s Addiction and going on tour because Stephen Perkins and Perry Farrell were still heavy users. These days, Jane’s Addiction is more of a brand than a band, and it has failed to retake the glory of its yesteryear. 2 – Miles Davis One of the greatest jazz musicians the world has ever known could have been even more prolific if not for his addiction…