For those on the outside looking in, it can be hard — perhaps impossible — to decipher the behavior of a drug addict. Partners, family members, and friends will scratch their heads with frustration trying to comprehend why the addict behaves the way they do. The truth is, few addicts can continue to hide the power the addiction has over them for long. For those who know what to look for, these five behavior traits reveal the dependency an addict is attempting to conceal. Behavior Trait 1: Lying If there is one thing most addicts do not want to talk about, it is their addiction. When asked where they were, what they were doing, who they were with, and other sorts of questions, a drug addict may readily lie if they perceive telling the truth may compromise their ability to keep using. If the addict thinks a partner or loved one is going to try to get them to go into a substance abuse treatment center, the lies often get worse due to feelings of fear. Unfortunately, since the motivation for lying well is very strong, an addict often gets very good at telling lies. In addition, the more lies the addict tells, the easier it gets. Over time, even the addict themselves may no longer remember where that fine line between truth and fabrication lies. Behavior Trait 2: Stealing Along with other criminal behaviors, stealing…