On April 20, 2016, border patrol seized over a ton of cocaine, which was the biggest confiscation of the drug ever smuggled with a California tunnel. Nearly all of this smuggling goes on through the San Diego/Tijuana border which is the estimated length of eight football fields according to The United States Attorney’s Office. Smuggling and illegal immigration is the talk of much political debate, social awareness, and mental health. Drug habits and addictions affect millions of Americans. If you are addicted to drugs, think about all of the other lives affected by your decision when you snort cocaine or shoot up heroin. If you don’t care about yourself, then at least care about the blood shed for dirty money. Please contact Right Path so we can connect you with the right drug rehab center for your situation. Following the seizure of the cocaine on April 20th, authorities found the largest known tunnel built to smuggle drugs underground and into the United States. The seemingly innocuous act of crossing an imaginary line with drugs that were already produced is anything but harmless. Drug trafficking enables millions to use harmful substances and spreads unthinkable violence both down south in Mexico, and across the border in San Diego. Cocaine specifically mostly begins its journey across the Western Hemisphere in Peru. Then it is produced in Peru or Colombia, the latter controls all of the cocaine that leaves South America. Then it travels…

The constant spotlight, pressure, and unhappiness of a celebrity may affect the individual’s desire to use drugs and alcohol, and their monetary success and sporadic schedule enable them to use drugs frequently. Creativity has also been linked to addiction in some ways. Although there aren’t many statistics linking celebrities to substance abuse, there are plenty of examples of celebrity addiction. Whether or not it is because we incessantly obsess over their names and habits remains to be seen. Celebrities can afford the best drug addiction recovery treatment imaginable and often go to private or secluded drug rehab centers to fulfill their recovery. Yet, innumerable celebrities have died from drug abuse complications. Charlie Sheen The whole country watched as Charlie Sheen spiraled into insanity, claiming his “tiger’s blood” allowed him to evade addiction. Of course, this was untrue. In 2015 Sheen checked into a drug rehab facility for cocaine and alcohol addiction and has since turned his life around with advocacy and education. Dennis Rodman The former Chicago Bulls basketball star has had his fair share of controversies. He was invited to authoritarian North Korea by dictator Kim Jong-un. He visited the country four times and after his final return home, entered an addiction recovery center for alcoholism. There are photos of his trip that show him being presented with a bottle of vodka with both his and the Supreme Leader’s face. This wasn’t the first time Rodman entered…

It’s no secret that people will go to some extreme lengths in order to experience a drug-induced high. Still, certain individuals go above and beyond when it comes to smashing boundaries and breaking laws in the name of getting high. Forget that weird cousin who drinks cooking sherry — these are five instances where people engaged in some truly bizarre behavior in the name of getting stoned. Let’s Talk About the Elephant Tranquilizer in the Room Ever heard of carfentanil? It’s a synthetic opioid considered ten thousand times more potent than morphine. That may sound extreme, but it makes sense when you consider the intended use of carfentanil: as a tranquilizer and immobilizer for large animals such as zebras and elephants. Carfentanil is not approved for human consumption, but that hasn’t stopped some heroin dealers from cutting their supply with the synthetic opioid in an effort to increase their profits. Authorities in Ohio became aware of the issue after heroin cut with carfentanil lead to a staggering thirty-five opioid overdoses over a paltry three-day period — including six deaths. And He Always Had Some Mighty Fine Wine The urban legends are true: certain species of toad secrete potent psychoactive substances. Naturally, when there’s an animal that leaks hallucinogen out of its skin, there’s a person trailing along behind it and trying to put it in their mouth. While there’s no clear indication of when humans starting sucking on toads to…

When most of us here the word methamphetamines, we think of the drug made from cleaning products underneath our sinks. Then, Breaking Bad came around and changed the way we think about meth labs, and the knowledge it takes to successfully run a profitable and productive lab. If what we refer to colloquially as crystal meth is so complex, then how it is made from the chemicals under our sinks? In fact, the basis for cooking up meth in a lab is usually pills used for the common cold. Then, chemicals like drain cleaner, battery acid, and bleach are added to extracted chemicals from the pills to increase its strength and effectiveness. Then all of them are cooked carefully until you have what we call crystal meth, glass, speed, or tweak. These poisonous chemicals are literally some of the worst things you can put inside of your body. Such toxic ingredients even lead to whole buildings being blown up by a “cook” that doesn’t know what he/she is doing. Simply just overestimating how much of a certain chemical they need to use, may cause an explosion of tragic proportions if there happened to be a gas leak. In addition to the dangers of cooking meth, the labs produce large amounts of toxic waste that can’t be disposed of properly considering the illegality of the operation. Anyone that comes in contact with these chemicals risks serious injury or death. The National…

Those who have experienced drug addiction know how difficult it is to kick the habit. The vast majority of the time, professional rehabilitation, counseling, and detox at a trained drug rehab center is necessary to achieve a full, long-term recovery. However, these are not the only techniques used to combat drug use and addiction. Holistic approaches like yoga, meditation, and martial arts are employed to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. These activities release chemicals that stimulate the brain, to inhabit the place of the unnatural high the drug addict used to indulge in. According to Project Meditation, taking time out of your day to meditate strengthens the immune system, increases energy and blood flow, and provides a sense of peace and inner-calm. The reduced stress and anxiety facilitates the recovery process because these emotions are connected to drug use and addiction. Other mental disorders that are linked with drug addiction can be helped with mediation as well. Nearly half of all addictions concern an underlying mental illness. Before a drug addict can effectively utilize meditation to decrease urges and symptoms of addiction, they must first check into an addiction recovery facility to rid themselves of all toxins through the withdrawal process. After detox, meditation can be applied to help the individual in the process as well as through the rest of their life. In addition to the sense of calm that meditation provides, yoga is a great stress…

Illegal drug markets all around the world bring in drugs to the United States. The U.S. is one of the leading markets for cocaine, but doesn’t produce any of the world’s supply. The relationship between where a drug is produced and where it is used will give us useful information leading to education and abstinence from a particular substance if we know where it comes from. Furthermore, we can learn about illegal practices both at home and abroad that will foster an understanding about drugs and their place within the world economy. Below is a list of drug producing countries and where their drugs are smuggled for consumption. Afghanistan It is reported that around 30 percent of Afghanistan’s economy is drug-related. The country produces many drugs but is primarily known for manufacturing opiates from the poppy plant. Though it produced 80 percent of the world’s opium supply according to the United Nations, the primary markets for heroin and other opiates are Western and Central Europe as well as the America’s, with the United States being the biggest market in the Western hemisphere. Colombia Though Peru, Chile, and Bolivia are rising on the world stage for cocaine production, the trafficking of the drug is in still in the control of the Colombians. South America produces nearly all of the world’s cocaine and though the cultures of the continent often chew the coca plant for a modest rush comparable to caffeine,…

The abuse of opioids has become an impending epidemic in the United States. West Virginia is one state that has the scars to prove it. In 2014, the state recorded the highest drug overdose death rates in the country, according to the CDC. In August 2016, Cabell County had the worst numbers of overdose, as 26 cases were reported in a span of four hours. The Huntington Housing Complex was the nucleus of this disaster. One reason cited for this high number of overdoses is the use of heroin laced with fentanyl, a lethally potent synthetic opioid commonly used as an elephant tranquilizer. There have been almost 440 overdoses in Cabell County in 2016 alone with 26 fatalities. Leading Causes of Drug Abuse The increasing number of people suffering from heroin addiction in West Virginia can mainly be attributed to the failing economy in the region. West Virginia survived on the coal industry for a long time, but the last few years have seen it take a beating from the transition to renewable energy. Consequently, the cost of living is high and the unemployment rate is too. Such hopelessness, stress, and depression are reasons that individuals turn to substance abuse. These are the elements that a drug rehab center would seek to address when providing addiction treatment. There is also the issue of opioid availability. According to local authorities, there has been an influx of synthetic opiates…

A Look into Faith-based Rehab Strategies Substance addiction may have serious consequences for both the person struggling with addiction and their community at large. Substance abuse has contributed to increased crime rates, poor health, violence, negligence, and a plethora of additional social and economic ills. For those struggling alone, substance addiction may be difficult or even impossible to overcome. Given this dire situation, faith-based organizations have stepped up to find a solution to help those affected by addiction win the battle against addiction. Faith-based rehab has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for people struggling with substance addiction. In a faith-based addiction recovery facility, the treatment plan is based on religious teachings and spirituality. A faith-based drug rehab center helps drug users to connect with a higher power, which helps clients during the difficult rehabilitation process. In addition to techniques founded on spirituality, each of the drug rehab facilities in the Right Path Drug Rehab network also utilizes demonstrated treatment methods to help with rehabilitation. Why use a Faith-based Substance Abuse Treatment Center? A faith-based addiction treatment center will provide the necessary environment and materials that one requires in overcoming drug addiction. These centers provide rehab programs that help drug addicts restore their mental and physical health, develop a spiritual connection, and identify a higher purpose of their lives. In a faith-based drug rehab clinic, substance abuse is typically associated with an individual’s overwhelming…

Prescription drug abuse is getting out of control in Georgia and across the nation. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has released statistics revealing that the state experienced 664 deaths due to a drug overdose between 2010 and 2011. A whopping 512 of those fatalities came as a result of prescription drugs. In this same period of time, the number of pain clinics in Georgia ballooned from a reasonable 10 to an incredible 140. This astonishing statistic has precipitated the passage of new legislation meant to discourage pill mills. While there are legitimate situations for prescribing such painkillers as Oxycontin and Vicodin, these drugs have the potential of creating addiction and may lead to abuse. This problem becomes even more troubling when one realizes the high percentage of teenagers among the population of prescription drug abusers. Almost every addiction recovery facility in the nation recognizes the widespread need for adolescent treatment. The statistics show that one in five high school have taken legal drugs in an illegal way. Even without a prescription from a doctor, they are finding a supply among their friends and family. In addition to using friends and family members as a source, addicts have found a range of ways to obtain their drugs of choice. Strategies include purchasing pills from illegal online pharmacies, and “doctor shopping,” which involves visiting several doctors and misrepresenting the situation in order to receive multiple prescriptions for the same…

The heroin epidemic in the USA continues to ruin and claim lives. Indiana is one of the states that has felt the variety of effects that come with heroin addiction. Drug-related deaths in Indiana have been on the rise for the past several years. Indystar reports that the rate of deaths in Indiana was 16 for every 100,000 residents for the years 2011-2013, making it number 15 on a list of the highest overdose rates. The over-dependence on prescription painkillers is the leading cause of opioid abuse across the United States. The services of a drug rehab center can help an addict get rid of their dependence. The Rising Cases of HIV Heroin abuse, with its reckless behavior of needle sharing and promiscuous sex, has seen cases of HIV infections rising exponentially in Indiana. The town of Austin, Indiana released some shocking statistics when almost 200 people were diagnosed with HIV. In the town of 4,000 residents, it was found that 190 were living with the virus. In February 2015 there were 30 confirmed cases and a month later the number was up to 55. The epidemic in Scott County is getting out of hand, and the reason is that addiction is still prevalent. Currently, the highest cases are from addicts of liquid Opana, a prescription drug. These statistics of HIV-positive residents are fueled by the sharing of needles among addicts. Apart from HIV, there has been an outbreak…