The heroin epidemic in the USA continues to ruin and claim lives. Indiana is one of the states that has felt the variety of effects that come with heroin addiction. Drug-related deaths in Indiana have been on the rise for the past several years. Indystar reports that the rate of deaths in Indiana was 16 for every 100,000 residents for the years 2011-2013, making it number 15 on a list of the highest overdose rates. The over-dependence on prescription painkillers is the leading cause of opioid abuse across the United States. The services of a drug rehab center can help an addict get rid of their dependence. The Rising Cases of HIV Heroin abuse, with its reckless behavior of needle sharing and promiscuous sex, has seen cases of HIV infections rising exponentially in Indiana. The town of Austin, Indiana released some shocking statistics when almost 200 people were diagnosed with HIV. In the town of 4,000 residents, it was found that 190 were living with the virus. In February 2015 there were 30 confirmed cases and a month later the number was up to 55. The epidemic in Scott County is getting out of hand, and the reason is that addiction is still prevalent. Currently, the highest cases are from addicts of liquid Opana, a prescription drug. These statistics of HIV-positive residents are fueled by the sharing of needles among addicts. Apart from HIV, there has been an outbreak…