The abuse of opioids has become an impending epidemic in the United States. West Virginia is one state that has the scars to prove it. In 2014, the state recorded the highest drug overdose death rates in the country, according to the CDC. In August 2016, Cabell County had the worst numbers of overdose, as 26 cases were reported in a span of four hours. The Huntington Housing Complex was the nucleus of this disaster. One reason cited for this high number of overdoses is the use of heroin laced with fentanyl, a lethally potent synthetic opioid commonly used as an elephant tranquilizer. There have been almost 440 overdoses in Cabell County in 2016 alone with 26 fatalities. Leading Causes of Drug Abuse The increasing number of people suffering from heroin addiction in West Virginia can mainly be attributed to the failing economy in the region. West Virginia survived on the coal industry for a long time, but the last few years have seen it take a beating from the transition to renewable energy. Consequently, the cost of living is high and the unemployment rate is too. Such hopelessness, stress, and depression are reasons that individuals turn to substance abuse. These are the elements that a drug rehab center would seek to address when providing addiction treatment. There is also the issue of opioid availability. According to local authorities, there has been an influx of synthetic opiates…