Illegal drug markets all around the world bring in drugs to the United States. The U.S. is one of the leading markets for cocaine, but doesn’t produce any of the world’s supply. The relationship between where a drug is produced and where it is used will give us useful information leading to education and abstinence from a particular substance if we know where it comes from. Furthermore, we can learn about illegal practices both at home and abroad that will foster an understanding about drugs and their place within the world economy. Below is a list of drug producing countries and where their drugs are smuggled for consumption. Afghanistan It is reported that around 30 percent of Afghanistan’s economy is drug-related. The country produces many drugs but is primarily known for manufacturing opiates from the poppy plant. Though it produced 80 percent of the world’s opium supply according to the United Nations, the primary markets for heroin and other opiates are Western and Central Europe as well as the America’s, with the United States being the biggest market in the Western hemisphere. Colombia Though Peru, Chile, and Bolivia are rising on the world stage for cocaine production, the trafficking of the drug is in still in the control of the Colombians. South America produces nearly all of the world’s cocaine and though the cultures of the continent often chew the coca plant for a modest rush comparable to caffeine,…