It’s no secret that people will go to some extreme lengths in order to experience a drug-induced high. Still, certain individuals go above and beyond when it comes to smashing boundaries and breaking laws in the name of getting high. Forget that weird cousin who drinks cooking sherry — these are five instances where people engaged in some truly bizarre behavior in the name of getting stoned. Let’s Talk About the Elephant Tranquilizer in the Room Ever heard of carfentanil? It’s a synthetic opioid considered ten thousand times more potent than morphine. That may sound extreme, but it makes sense when you consider the intended use of carfentanil: as a tranquilizer and immobilizer for large animals such as zebras and elephants. Carfentanil is not approved for human consumption, but that hasn’t stopped some heroin dealers from cutting their supply with the synthetic opioid in an effort to increase their profits. Authorities in Ohio became aware of the issue after heroin cut with carfentanil lead to a staggering thirty-five opioid overdoses over a paltry three-day period — including six deaths. And He Always Had Some Mighty Fine Wine The urban legends are true: certain species of toad secrete potent psychoactive substances. Naturally, when there’s an animal that leaks hallucinogen out of its skin, there’s a person trailing along behind it and trying to put it in their mouth. While there’s no clear indication of when humans starting sucking on toads to…