On April 20, 2016, border patrol seized over a ton of cocaine, which was the biggest confiscation of the drug ever smuggled with a California tunnel. Nearly all of this smuggling goes on through the San Diego/Tijuana border which is the estimated length of eight football fields according to The United States Attorney’s Office. Smuggling and illegal immigration is the talk of much political debate, social awareness, and mental health. Drug habits and addictions affect millions of Americans. If you are addicted to drugs, think about all of the other lives affected by your decision when you snort cocaine or shoot up heroin. If you don’t care about yourself, then at least care about the blood shed for dirty money. Please contact Right Path so we can connect you with the right drug rehab center for your situation. Following the seizure of the cocaine on April 20th, authorities found the largest known tunnel built to smuggle drugs underground and into the United States. The seemingly innocuous act of crossing an imaginary line with drugs that were already produced is anything but harmless. Drug trafficking enables millions to use harmful substances and spreads unthinkable violence both down south in Mexico, and across the border in San Diego. Cocaine specifically mostly begins its journey across the Western Hemisphere in Peru. Then it is produced in Peru or Colombia, the latter controls all of the cocaine that leaves South America. Then it travels…