For most of the populations of the world drinking alcohol is a common practice. It isn’t unusual to see people drinking every night in the United States, or even in the morning in some parts of Europe. But for the countries below, alcohol is strictly forbidden. Usually as a religious adherence, these countries have a permanent prohibition on alcohol. Now, alcohol is not to be celebrated as a harmless beverage, but there is much we can learn from the political law of countries that choose to ban drinking all together and enforce the rule on their people. Political tyranny never leads to an abundantly prosperous or happy nation, instead it is the cause of social and economic turmoil these places experience, which inherently have a relationship with substance abuse. Here are five countries that ban alcohol and what we can learn from their practices to better our own. Afghanistan The largest producer of illegal drugs in the world has a federal alcohol ban. Over 30 percent of Afghanistan’s economy is dependent on drug manufacturing and exporting. The drug they produce most is heroin, coming from the poppy plant which is abundant in the region. There is also an epidemic of heroin use due to its accessibility. Like the other countries on this list, the resources of addiction treatment centers are few and far between, if existent at all. If the ban on alcohol hasn’t helped decrease the overall addiction…