When it comes to substance abuse, misconception is widespread. Many people who have not had personal experience with addiction do not understand the true nature of the disease. Worse yet, many insist on acting upon their false assumptions. Here are common questions that should be asked about addiction. Why do people get addicted to drugs or alcohol? There are as many different reasons to use as there are individuals. Some might begin taking a substance because they like the way it makes them feel, only to realize later that they have become dependent on the substance. Some may try a substance to fit in with their peers, only to find themselves unable to resist going back for more. Frequently, a person may be struggling with a mental health issue, and turn to a substance in order to self-medicate, only to find themselves struggling with a co-occurring addiction alongside their pre-existing mental health issue. While the addiction may stem from a variety of sources, it ultimately amounts to a dependency on drugs or alcohol. Why does an addicted person have to avoid substances, even in moderation? The decision to avoid a substance entirely is a personal one. Some people may not feel like they can enjoy a particular substance in moderation without risking substance abuse. In some instances, an individual might feel that even being around a substance is enough to risk their sobriety. In any case,…