When you’ve overcome substance abuse, maintaining your recovery can still prove to be a challenge. Because life always has its challenges, you’ll want to be prepared to face any issue that comes your way by utilizing a solution that doesn’t involve returning to addiction. The best way to face these problems is to have cadre of stress solutions on hand before the trying situation arises. Here are several activities to take part in instead of resorting to substance abuse. Get some fresh air For some people, spending time in nature can be calming. Take some time away from the situation you find yourself entrenched in and go for a walk. This works especially well if you live in an area that lends itself to scenic walks, such as a nature reserve. Take time to breathe the fresh air and regain your center in the serenity of nature. Recall that today is the only day you can control Getting too worked up about things that are beyond your control is never a good look. Instead, try to recognize that despite any efforts you might provide, there are some things that are simply beyond your control — including yesterday and tomorrow. Getting upset about the past or future cannot help you; instead, concentrate on centering yourself. Crying is okay Sometimes, you may find that you have so much emotion inside that the only option seems to be crying. Go for it! Sometimes…