There are so many reasons why someone would abuse drugs and alcohol. Narrowing down why people use substances excessively is a whole other story. What leads to addiction usually starts as recreation, self-medication, or desperation. Often it is for a different reason that the individual takes drugs in the first place, and then they get addicted to them over time. Below are five reasons people use drugs and alcohol that are intrinsically related to the disease of addiction. If you are dependent on any substance, please call Right Path Drug Rehab to find the perfect drug rehab center for your particular addiction, situation, and needs. Genetic Predisposition According to David Linden of John Hopkins University, addiction is related to genetics by 40 percent. Almost half of what makes someone a drug addict or alcoholic is found in their DNA. Having no control over excessivity has people who try drugs only once get addicted to them immediately, or disregard the fact that they could get addicted to the drug if they continue using it. This is perhaps the number one reason why people use substances to feel good. Those with a high risk of addiction always end up in an addiction treatment facility if they give in to the urge to use drugs. Self-Medication Another key reason for substance abuse is self-medication. Nearly half of all addictions concern an underlying mental illness. Often depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and other mental health…