You know those commercials on television that show images of a tragic car crash that exclaim that “Buzzed driving is drunk driving?” Well, they were not ill-conceived and have truth to them. Most people tend to believe that they are able to have a few drinks and safely get behind the wheel, but studies have proven countless times that this is untrue. Concisely and across the United States, illegally driving under the influence results from a blood alcohol content (BAC) that is .08% or higher. To make matters worse, people supersede this percentage; they even double it. Alas, some people are fortunate to make it to their destination without issue. Does this make it okay? Well, before determining the answer to this question, it is salient to make mention of solid facts, statistics, and real-life experiences by those who thought they or their driver were simply buzzed. What Is Alcoholism and Who Does It Affect? Alcohol, booze, beers, cocktails, or adult beverages are just a few of the names that glorify the most abused substance in the entire world. Granted, alcohol is legal in the US if users are over the age of twenty-one, but the severity of abusing the substance delves much further than a glass of wine with dinner or a few drinks at a social gathering. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, INC., one in twelve people are alcoholics. Given the population, that…