2nd Chance Ranch purchase falls through due to funding delay

David Grammon and his wife, Christy Grammon, lead a faith-based recovery meeting at Faith Foundry Church in Roseburg in January. The Grammons help men overcome addictions and become productive citizens. They hope to help more at the proposed 2nd Chance Ranch.
The sale has fallen through on the Dixonville property that had been proposed for the 2nd Chance Ranch project.

But the organizers say they still plan to pursue the project, envisioned as a facility to house up to 150 men who've been through drug rehab and are trying to make a better life for themselves. Dave and Christy Grammon of TrueNorth Star Ministries want to create a place where men could learn life skills, farm the land, receive peer counseling and horse therapy, and learn trades that could help them find living wage jobs.
Homeowners who live nearby have organized in opposition to the project, saying the property has limited water and a primitive road, and that they fear for their safety if the 2nd Chance Ranch is built in their neighborhood.
County officials have raised questions about whether the property's zoning would allow for the project to be built there.
Christy Grammon said Monday the sale fell through because the donor who has pledged to pay the bulk of the $1.3 million price tag of the property had a delay in obtaining the funds he needed to make the donation.
But Grammon said she expects the donor will still come through, and if the property's still available at that time they'll make an offer again. If not, they'll look for another location, she said.
"The current contract is over. It's back on the market for sale, as in it's opened up. We don't have it cinched up, but there isn't anybody that we're aware of that is chomping at the bit. So we're still trusting God about it," she said.
Dave Grammon is the chaplain at the Douglas County Jail, and the Grammons currently operate two sober living houses in Roseburg that house about 10 men altogether. Their mission is based in religion, and Christy Grammon said they believe God has called them to do this work and will ensure the 2nd Chance Ranch's success.
"It has been a God thing all the way, so we just are following," Christy Grammon said.
In the meantime, the neighbors are remaining vigilant and hoping the project winds up moving elsewhere. About 100 signs opposing the facility remain up in the area, saying "2nd Chance Men's Recovery Ranch Dixonville," circled in red with a slash through the words.