49-Year-Old Man Recovers From Coronavirus After 32 Days On Life Support

Jim Bello, a 49-year-old native of Massachusetts, had no underlying health conditions when he contracted COVID-19.
His wife, Kim, told CBS News that their family went on a ski trip on March 7 before the stay-at-home orders were in place. Her husband got sick and developed a fever.
After feeling ill, the father-of-three visited his doctor at the hospital. Several tests and treatments later, Bello was then sent home. According to his wife, after he woke up, he could not breathe.
Bello then tested positive for COVID-19.
After visiting the emergency room, he was sent to a different hospital to be intubated as things got worse.
"Before he went under, he was like, 'What if I don't make it?" And I was like 'You're going make it,'" Kim said.
Bello was put on an ECMO life support machine and ventilator. Two weeks after his treatment, Kim received scary news from the doctor about her husband.
"I asked the doctor, I said, 'well do you think he's got a chance?'" Kim said. She wasn't ready for what came next. "I don't give him a very good chance," the doctor said.
Soon after, he took a paralyzing drug to prepare for a procedure. When taking that drug, his wife said doctors saw recovery.
On April 15, Bello finally came out of the ICU. Hospital staff caught the heartwarming moment where nurses and doctors clapped as Jim left the ICU.
"He's realizing that he really is a miracle," Kim said. "It's unbelievable that he made it through."
Two days later, the father was discharged from the hospital and was then moved to a rehab facility. He can already walk with a walker and is doing much better.