Battling addiction during COVID-19 pandemic

LEE COUNTY, Ala. (WSFA) - People who struggle with addiction, or are in recovery, may be at risk of relapsing as the coronavirus can be a stressor for those in recovery.
“Especially for the newcomers, I think in that respect it is definitely more difficult, I’ve been in recovery for 15 years and I still go to six or seven meetings a week,” she said. “If the doors had been closed or there had not been somebody for me to reach out to 15 years ago, I would be dead.”
“There are two meetings that remain open. We feel very strongly that we need to keep at least one meeting open for alcoholics or addicts that don’t know how to use social media," she said. "We are practicing all the guidelines.”
The Alabama Department of Mental Health and Recovery offers free information on substance abuse and treatment and provides access to rehab and treatment. You can contact them on the drug crisis helpline 1-844-307-1760.