Celebrity chef’s son bailed to spend Christmas in rehab

The revelation came as Judge Sean O'Donnabháin adjourned sentencing of the teenager on a charge of possession for sale or supply of €22,000 worth of cannabis at the world-famous Ballymaloe Cookery School until the February 2020 sitting of Cork Circuit Criminal Court. Judge O'Donnabháin remanded the teen on bail on condition he immediately attends a residential drug treatment programme.
He also made an order that Mr Allen will now come under the supervision of the Probation and Welfare Service (PWS). Judge O'Donnabháin stressed that Mr Allen is to comply with all instructions of the treatment centre and, if he leaves the centre without permission, the PWS is to be immediately informed. It, in turn, will then inform gardaí.
Mr Allen is also the grandson of Darina Allen and the great-grandson of the late founder of Ballymaloe, Myrtle Allen.