Coronavirus updates and cancellations in our state

Apr 11, 2020 at 6:00 PM
Questions about medical or social service needs, call 211, 800-560-3372, 711 (deaf or hard of hearing), or text ZIP code to 898-211, 8:30-6 p.m. M-F, 10-4 p.m. weekends or email Official page:
New Castle County - Kent County - Sussex County - Statewide Dashboard
5:30 p.m.
33 Delawareans have died, 191 receovered
Most recently, a 96-year-old female long-term care resident from Sussex County who had underlying health conditions.
- 1,479 total lab-confirmed cases from age 1 to 97.
- 647 males, 824 females, 8 unknown
- 807 are from New Castle County, 255 from Kent, 404 from Sussex, 13 unknown.
- 191 have recovered, 190 are in the hospital, 55 critical.
- about 9,624 negative tests
Long-term care multiple deaths: Little Sisters of the Poor (11); HarborChase (2); New Castle Health and Rehabilitation (3).
Friday, April 10
5:30 p.m.
32 Delawareans have died from the virus, ages 57 to 94.
The most recent who died were hospitalized and had underlying health conditions:
69-year-old female from New Castle County, hospitalized 87-year-old female from New Castle County, long-term care 88-year-old female from New Castle County, long-term care 89-year-old female from New Castle County, long-term care 89-year-old female from New Castle County, long-term care 94-year-old female from New Castle County, long-term care 61-year-old male from Sussex County, hospitalized 69-year-old female from Sussex County, long-term care 82-year-old female from Sussex County, long-term care
- 1,326 total lab-confirmed cases from age 1 to 97.
- 584 males, 736 females, 6 unknown
- 751 are from New Castle County, 230 from Kent, 336 from Sussex.
- 177 have recovered, 181 are in the hospital, 48 critical.
- about 9,089 negative tests
Notes: 9 cases were reported as "unknown county." For charting purposes, we added 3 to each county's total. DPH corrected the 4/9 hospitalization number "due to a reporting error."
Cases in long-term care
There are now 19 care facilities with a total of 97 positive cases in residents/patients or staff. Twenty-one deaths have recorded, in New Castle County and 3 in Sussex County. The 14 facilities with multiple positives cases are:
Little Sisters of the Poor, Newark HarborChase of Wilmington Governor Bacon Health Center, Delaware City Forwood Manor, Wilmington Parkview Nursing and Rehab Center, Wilmington Country House, Wilmington MeadowWood Behavioral Health Hospital, New Castle Atlantic Shores Rehab and Health Center, Millsboro Genesis HealthCare Milford Center, Milford Brandywine Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, New Castle Delaware Hospital for the Chronically Ill, Smyrna Shipley Manor, Wilmington New Castle Health and Rehabilitation, New Castle Delaware Psychiatric Center, New Castle
More than one death: Little Sisters of the Poor (11); HarborChase (2); New Castle Health and Rehabilitation (3).
Thursday, April 9
Peak day?
Today was to be the predicted peak in hospital resources, according to the University of Washington model. Tomorrow we'll know how accurate the model is.
5 p.m.
COVID case count
- 23 deaths, ages 57 to 94
Ten deaths have been related to long-term care, in New Castle County (six at Little Sisters of the Poor) and one in Sussex. A total of 51 individuals from long-term care facilities have tested positive.
The most recent individuals who died all had underlying health conditions:
82-year-old male long-term care resident from New Castle County 63-year-old female from New Castle County 66-year-old male from Sussex County 57-year-old male from Sussex County
- 1,207 total laboratory-confirmed cases from ages 1 to 97.
- 699 are from New Castle County, 214 from Kent, 294 from Sussex.
- 173 have recovered, 201 are in the hospital, 43 critical.
- about 8,683 negative tests
Wednesday, April 8
6 p.m.
Three elderly people have died; they were hospitalized and had underlying health conditions:
88-year-old male long-term care resident from New Castle County 74-year-old female from Sussex County 81-year-old male from New Castle County
- 1,116 total laboratory-confirmed cases from age 1 to 97.
- 495 males, 616 females, 7 unknown
- 636 are from New Castle County, 201 from Kent, 279 from Sussex.
- 159 have recovered, 177 are in the hospital, 51 critical.
- about 8,323 negative tests
19 Delawareans have died from the virus. Nine have been at long-term care facilities, including eight in New Castle County (six at Little Sisters of the Poor) and one in Sussex County.
Tuesday, April 7
6 p.m.
Positive test results: 928
DPH reports the following:
- 783 total laboratory-confirmed cases from age 1 to 97.
- 16 deaths, latest, male age 67 from Sussex County with underlying health conditions and was hospitalized.
- 571 are from New Castle County, 147 from Kent, 210 from Sussex.
- 144 have recovered, 147 are in the hospital, 52 in ICU.
- about 7,628 negative tests
9 a.m.
DPH, United Way of Delaware screening COVID-19 calls
Anyone with a question about COVID-19, whether related to medical or social service needs, should call Delaware 211, 800-560-3372, 711 (deaf or hard of hearing), or text ZIP code to 898-211.
Monday, April 6
7:30 p.m.
More positive cases
- 783 total laboratory-confirmed cases from age 1 to 97.
- 308 males, 365 females.
- 496 are from New Castle County, 128 from Kent, 159 from Sussex.
- 71 have recovered, 140 are in the hospital, 25 in ICU.
- about 6,851 negative tests
15 Delawareans have died from the virus.
Note: DPH has alerted news organizations that certain numbers are not changing due to a change in reporting that is not finished yet.
The most recent death involves an 84-year-old male from Kent County who had underlying health conditions. Fatalities have ranged age 66 to 94 years.
The DPH will now report the total number of individuals hospitalized in Delaware hospitals, including both Delaware and non-Delaware residents.
7 a.m.
The Department of Health and Social Services: all walk-in access to its public offices will end beginning Monday, April 6, because of the potential risk for clients and DHSS employees. Client needs will now be met in person by appointment only, or through phone, email or online, except for crisis services, emergency cases, or for people without phone or computer access.
Sunday, April 5
5 p.m.
80 more positive cases, no new fatalities.
- 673 total laboratory-confirmed cases from age 1 to 97.
- 308 males, 365 females.
- 436 are from New Castle County, 86 from Kent, 151 from Sussex.
- 71 have recovered, 101 are in the hospital, 25 in ICU.
- about 6,321 negative tests
14 Delawareans have died from the virus.
Saturday, April 4
5 p.m.
143 new cases logged
14 Delawareans have died, no change from yesterday.
95 are in the hospital, 24 critical in ICU.
- 593 laboratory-confirmed cases age 1 to 97.
- 271 males, 322 females.
- 400 are from New Castle County, 68 from Kent, 125 from Sussex.
- 71 have recovered, about 5,874 negative tests
Friday, April 3
5 p.m.
Positive tests pass 400, negative tests near 5,000
14 Delawareans have died from the virus. There have been a total of eight deaths from to long-term care facilities, seven in New Castle County (six at Little Sisters of the Poor) and one in Sussex County. The most recent deaths in long-term care include:
· 66-year-old hospitalized female from New Castle County with underlying health conditions.
· 91-year-old female from New Castle County who had underlying health conditions.
63 are in the hospital, 23 critical in ICU.
- 450 laboratory-confirmed cases age 1 to 97.
- 206 males, 244 females.
- 279 are from New Castle County, 54 from Kent, 117 from Sussex.
- 71 have recovered, about 4,995 negative tests
Thursday, April 2
5 p.m.
COVID cases at Governor Bacon
The third outbreak of positive coronavirus cases at a long-term care facility. The latest outbreak involves the Governor Bacon Health Center, operated by Delaware Department of Health and Social Services in Delaware City. Two staff members and a resident have tested positive.
12 Delawareans have died from the virus, the latest a 75-year-old male from New Castle County who had underlying health conditions.
- 393 total laboratory-confirmed cases from age 1 to 97.
- 179 males, 214 females.
- 245 are from New Castle County, 43 from Kent, 105 from Sussex.
- 49 have recovered, 56 are in the hospital, 15 in the ICU.
- about 4,566 negative tests
4:45 p.m.
Department of Correction suspends all on-site programming
The Delaware Department of Correction today announced has suspended all on-site programming in its facilities, effective immediately. Inmates continue to have outside recreation opportunities within their confined areas and access to phones. The department is transitioning prison education and religious services to video and is expanding the use of electronic tablets and other virtual programming, where available. The department's Bureau of Healthcare, Substance Abuse and Mental Health is also temporarily delaying routine dental, medical and behavioral health visits that require face-to-face interaction with providers. Emergency and urgent healthcare services, including inmate sick call visits, are continuing.
3:15 p.m.
DNREC closes park restrooms
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will close its public restroom facilities, including bathrooms, bathhouses and portable toilets, in state parks, wildlife areas and state boat ramps at the end of the day April 3. All amenities will remain closed until May 15, or until the public health threat has been eliminated. Those who plan to visit any state park, wildlife area or boat ramp should plan accordingly.
Wednesday, Apr. 1
5 p.m.
Positive cases pass 350, one more death reported
11 Delawareans have died from the virus. The most recent was an 84-year-old male from Sussex County who was hospitalized and had significant underlying health conditions.
- 368 total laboratory-confirmed cases from age 1 to 97.
- 171 males, 197 females.
- 226 are from New Castle County, 41 from Kent, 101 from Sussex.
- 49 have recovered, 51 are in the hospital, 13 critical in ICU.
- about 4,015 negative tests
DART limits passengers, waives fares
Starting Thursday, April 2, DART will limit the number of passengers allowed on each bus at any given time, based on bus seating capacity. Passenger boardings will be through the rear door with fares waived. Riders needing boarding assistance will be allowed to continue boarding through the front door. In order to accommodate riders, DART will operate additional timing buses, as well as have additional operators on standby. If you are feeling sick, please do not visit public facilities and avoid public transportation
11:15 a.m.
Department of Correction further restricts programming
The department has identified essential programming that will continue to be provided in-person by on- site providers, including drug treatment, sex offender, and DUI programming. Certain programs and activities, including prison education and religious services, will continue by utilizing video conference capabilities. Other programs will have the option to continue through a web-based video platform, where available.
Tuesday, March 31
6:15 p.m.
Special Olympics Delaware cancels summer games
Special Olympics Delaware's Summer Games and all of the festivities around them, including the torch run, are canceled.
5 p.m.
There are 319 cases, with 57 people hospitalized and 10 deaths. The three fatalities, all in New Castle County, had significant underlying health conditions:
87- and 94-year-old females 89-year-old male New Castle County cases: 197 Kent County cases: 34 Sussex County cases: 88 Males: 152; Females: 167 Age range: 1 to 95 Hospitalized: 57; Critically ill: 14 Recovered: 22 3,696 negative cases, based on preliminary reporting
4 p.m.
Governor adds restrictions on entry to certain buildings, and limits child care to "essential" families.
Monday, March 30
5 p.m.
Seven Delawareans have died from the virus. The most recent, a 92-year-old female from Sussex County, had significant underlying health conditions.
- 264 total laboratory-confirmed cases
- 156 are from New Castle County, 27 from Kent, 81 from Sussex.
- 22 have recovered
3:15 p.m
Department of Corrections furthers restrictions
The DOC is only allowing work release offenders to report to employers that employ the same rigorous COVID-19 screening and cleaning procedures as the DOC. Every work release offender receives a COVID- 19 screenings that consists of a series of questions and a temperature check with a thermometer when returning from a work shift.
Sunday, March 29
5 p.m.
Positives approach 250, 6th death reported
The sixth COVID death is a 79-year-old female from New Castle County who was not hospitalized and had underlying health conditions. Exposure is related to travel to a state with positive cases.
- 232 total cases since March 11.
- 141 are from New Castle County, 25 from Kent, 66 from Sussex. The total - - Nine have recovered. Patients are considered fully recovered seven days after resolution of symptoms.
- 114 are male and 118 are female, age from 1 to 90.
- 33 hospitalized, nine are critically ill (in ICU).
Saturday, March 28
6 p.m.
A second care facility has multiple coronavirus cases. Six residents of a 36-patient memory care unit of HarborChase of Wilmington have tested positive. Five are now hospitalized, according to the Division of Public Health. The source is under investigation.
Three more COVID fatalities have occurred, a 76-year-old New Castle County male, not hospitalized; 74- and 77-year-old Kent County males, both hospitalized. All had underlying health conditions.
- Total is 241 cases.
- 130 are from New Castle County, 25 from Kent, 59 from Sussex.
- 5 have died, 9 have recovered.
There have been 213 cases in the state since March 11.
- 48 new cases.
- 129 are from New Castle County, 25 from Kent, and 59 from Sussex.
- 80 are male and 85 are female, from 1 to 90.
- 30 are hospitalized, at least 9 critically ill.
- 3 dead, 9 recovered.
Friday, March 27
5 p.m.
DPH updates case count
There have been 165 cases in the state since March 11.
- 22 new cases.
- 106 are from New Castle County, 21 from Kent, and 38 from Sussex.
- 80 are male and 85 are female, from 1 to 90.
- 20 are hospitalized, 9 critically ill.
So far, 20 more positive tests have been logged today (163 total).
9 a.m.
Health help
Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester has compiled a web page of health resources from the Centers for Disease Control, the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, and questions and answers, from her March 17 telephone town hall with Dr. Karyl Rattay. It has the latest information on Congressional action being taken.
Thursday, March 26
8:30 p.m.
DPH: First death of long-term care resident and the first outbreak iin such a facility.
The death of a 86-year-old male resident of Little Sisters of the Poor Jeanne Jugan Residence in Newark was reported today to DHSS’ Division of Public Health. The individual had underlying medical conditions. This is the second coronavirus-related death in the state.
In addition, six residents positive.
“The population who lives in these facilities are at the greatest risk for COVID-19, based on their age and underlying health conditions. Unfortunately, this death and the confirmed cases at this facility underscore the need for all long-term care facilities in Delaware to follow strict screening protocols for anyone entering,” said DHSS Secretary Kara Odom Walker.
7 p.m.
Positive tests up by 24
The DPH reports 143 total lab-confirmed cases. 91 are from New Castle County, 19 from Kent, 33 from Sussex.
71 are male and 72 are female, age from 1 to 90, and 15 are hospitalized; nine are critically ill.
4:15 p.m.
New emergency housing assistance
Gov. John Carney and Delaware State Housing Authority Director Anas Ben Addi announced a new program to provide emergency housing assistance to renters affected by shutdowns, closures, layoffs, reduced work hours or unpaid leave.
The Delaware Housing Assistance Program will provide eligible households up to $1,500 in assistance, with payments made directly to the property owner or utility company. Applications will be on DSHA’s website at or at
DSHA provided $2 million in funding for DE HAP and New Castle County contributed $500,000.
Several community partners will assist processing applications, including West End Neighborhood House, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Community Services, First State Community Action Agency and the Sussex County Community Resource Center.
Applicants must live in Delaware and have a maximum household income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income for their county. The applicant must provide documentation showing an impact on their employment or income beginning March 10 or later that is attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic.
12:52 p.m.
First coronavirus-related death reported
The Delaware Division of Public Health confirmed the first COVID-19 related fatality of a state resident.
The 66-year-old Sussex County man died in a hospital in another state. He had underlying health conditions and was critically ill. The source of his exposure is not confirmed. To protect personal health information, DPH will not disclose additional information about the individual who passed away.
There have been 130 total laboratory-confirmed cases in the state since March 11. This includes 11 additional cases since yesterday.
Of the Delawareans diagnosed, 86 are from New Castle County, 17 are from Kent County, and 27 are from Sussex County.
Of the 130 cases, 63 are male and 67 are female. The individuals range in age from 1 to 90.
Thirteen patients are hospitalized in Delaware, and seven are critically ill. Two Delaware residents are hospitalized out of state.
Wednesday, March 25
6 p.m.
15 new cases diagnosed
There have been 119 total laboratory-confirmed cases in the state since March 11. Of those diagnosed with COVID-19, 79 are from New Castle County, 14 are from Kent County, and 26 are from Sussex County.
- 4 who tested positive have fully recovered from their illness
- of the 119, 58 are male and 61 are female, age from 1 to 90
- 14 are hospitalized; 7 are critically ill.
According to DPH, patients are considered fully recovered seven days after the resolution of their symptoms (three days after symptoms resolve, they are no longer required to self-isolate; they must continue to practice extreme social distancing for the remaining four days.
Tuesday, March 24
6 p.m.
Cases cross the 100 mark
There have been 104 total laboratory-confirmed cases in the state since March 11. This includes 17 additional cases since Monday. Of the Delawareans diagnosed with COVID-19, 71 are from New Castle County, 10 are from Kent County, and 23 are from Sussex County.
Of the 104 cases, 51 are male and 53 are female, age from 1 to 90. Eleven are hospitalized; five are critically ill.
11 a.m.
Case count climbs to 91
The Division of Public Health announced 4 more lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19. That brings the total to 91 cases in the state since March 11.
- 60 are from New Castle County, 9 are from Kent County, 22 are from Sussex County.
Monday, March 23
7 p.m.
New cases number 31, DPH says
The source of exposure for many of these positive cases is unknown, which indicates community spread of the virus is occurring in the state.
The Delaware Division of Public Health announced 31 more lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19. That brings the total to 87 cases in the state since March 11.
- 58 are from New Castle County, 9 are from Kent County, 20 are from Sussex County. Of these cases, 44 are male and 43 are female from 1 to 90. Seven are currently hospitalized; three are critically ill.
6 p.m.
Governor closes schools through May 15
All Delaware schools are ordered to remain closed through at least Friday, May 15 to fight the spread of coronavirus. Gov. Carney also announced that Delaware will formally recommend that no school district or charter school extend its school calendar beyond the end of June. Susan Bunting, Secretary of the Delaware Department of Education, will formally make that recommendation to the State Board of Education, upon submission by each district and charter.
The state has submitted a waiver to the U.S. Department of Education requesting Delaware be exempt from state testing this year to focus our efforts on student instruction.
5:30 p.m.
Governor declares public health emergency
Gov. John Carney declared a Public Health Emergency and released a more robust order to assist with Delaware’s response to coronavirus. The Delaware Emergency Management Agency and the Delaware Division of Public Health issued a companion order focused on strengthening Delaware’s health care workforce.
Under the order from DEMA and DPH, nurses, doctors, mental health care providers, pharmacists and other health care professionals who have active licenses or certificates of good standing in any U.S. jurisdiction are authorized to provide in-person health care services in Delaware throughout the emergency, as well as telemedicine services. In addition, Delaware health care professionals whose licenses expired in the last five years are authorized to provide health care services in Delaware, assuming their licenses were in good standing for the five-year period.
5:15 p.m.
DNREC closes campgrounds
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will close its Delaware State Park campgrounds and playgrounds Tuesday, March 24, and cancel campground reservations scheduled through May 15.
While state parks and wildlife areas are currently open, all state park campsites, cabins, cottages, yurts and playgrounds will close at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24. Buildings such as park offices and nature centers remain closed, and programs and tours are canceled.
Refunds and reservation cancellations will be processed by the Delaware State Parks reservation vendor. Additional questions can be handled at the call center at 1-877-98 PARKS (1-877-987-2757).
More positives
As of11:15 a.m., COVID case count has risen to 68.
- 44 are from New Castle County, 6 are from Kent County, 18 are from Sussex County.
Sunday, March 22
4:52 p.m.
Eleven new cases bring total to 56
The Delaware Division of Public Health announced 11 more lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19. That brings the total to 56 cases in the state since March 11.
- 39 are from New Castle County, five are from Kent County, 12 are from Sussex County.
- 30 are male and 26 are female, ages 14 to 80. Six patients are hospitalized and three are critically ill.
1:15 p.m.
Department of Correction further limits access to facilities
The Delaware Department of Correction is further restricting access to its facilities. Volunteers who run programs and services that are over the age of 60 or have an underlying health condition that could make them more vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus are no longer allowed at DOC facilities, effective immediately and until further notice.
1 p.m.
Courts close to public until 4/15
Delaware Chief Justice Collins J. Seitz, Jr. today ordered all court facilities closed to the public as of Monday, March 23, 2020 until at least April 15, 2020 as part of the response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The 24-hour Justice of the Peace Courts in each county (Court 11 in New Castle County, Court 7 in Kent County and Court 3 in Sussex County) will remain open for payment of bail for all courts and emergency criminal and civil filings for the Justice of the Peace Court. Those employees not directed to be part of the limited staffing of the courts are being directed to stay home and, as directed, work remotely until further notice.
10:30 a.m.
Delaware Dems postpone caucuses
The Delaware Democratic Party is immediately suspending the party's delegate selection caucus process and all corresponding district-level votes.
While the majority of Delaware's 41 representative districts have already selected their delegates to the Democratic State Convention, another dozen districts still need to hold their elections.
Saturday, March 21
5:11 p.m.
Cases rise to 45
On Saturday, the Delaware Division of Public Health confirmed six more positive COVID-19 cases. There have been 45 total laboratory-confirmed cases in the state since March 11.
- 32 are from New Castle County, five are from Kent County, eight are from Sussex County.
- 24 are male and 21 are female, ages14 to 80. Five are hospitalized and two are critically ill.
Friday, March 20
5 p.m.
Case count now 39
Positive cases of COVID-19 in the state come to 39 in the state since March 11 with nine additional cases since yesterday: 27 are from New Castle County, five are from Kent County, and seven are from Sussex County.
20 are male and 19 female from 14 to 80 years old. Four are hospitalized; two are critically ill. -- DPH
DNREC: Events, private rentals canceled through May 15
One-day cleaning period between rentals of state park cabins and cottages.
Detailed information is available at and
9 a.m.
Gov. Carney signs childcare order
Executive Order #38, signed Thursday, allows state regulators more flexibility in approving child care options for Delaware families and health care workers due to COVID-19.
It gives the Secretary of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families the ability to suspend or modify provisions of the state's child care rules, regulations and statutes -- as long as the changes will not endanger child safety or welfare. DSCYF may work with existing providers to designate emergency child care sites for children of health care workers, emergency medical staff, law enforcement, and other essential personnel. This change in regulatory process will last only as long as the State of Emergency declaration remains in place.
Thursday, March 19
5 p.m.
Bayhealth bans visitors, some exceptions
Starting 8 p.m. tonight:
"Bayhealth Hospital, Kent and Sussex Campuses will accept no visitors. Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis for laboring patients, neonatal intensive care patients, pediatric patients, end-of-life patients, and for patients undergoing urgent procedures or surgeries.
"Bayhealth Medical Group practices, Bayhealth Emergency Center in Smyrna, Bayhealth Cancer Centers, and Bayhealth Outpatient Centers will accept no visitors. Exceptions will be made if the patient requires assistance.
"Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. The situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to evolve and changes occur rapidly. Please continue to check for the latest information."
4 p.m.
Case count is 30, majority are found in New Castle County
30 laboratory-confirmed COVID cases since March 11, DPH says. This includes four since yesterday; 23 are from New Castle County, four are from Kent, three are from Sussex.
- 17 are male and 13 are female.
- age 14 to 80.
- 3 hospitalized, one critically ill.
11:35 a.m.
Social Security offices closed to public; benefits will be paid on time
Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul released this statement about changes due to the coronavirus:
"I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.
"To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online at If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.
"Please visit our COVID-19 web page at to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic."
Wednesday, March 18
5:31 p.m.
Legislative session postponed until further notice
In response to ongoing concerns about the coronavirus pandemic, House Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf and Senate President Pro Tempore David McBride announced Wednesday that the Delaware General Assembly is postponing legislative session until further notice.
Legislative session originally was scheduled to resume on Tuesday, but was postponed last week due to the spread of COVID-19 and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and Delaware public health officials.
As the situation has continued to unfold, it has become necessary to postpone session for the foreseeable future as officials assess the extent of Delaware’s exposure to the virus. While it is possible that session could resume normal operations at some point in the future, there is no firm date at this time. Legislative leaders will continue to examine the situation with input from public health experts and executive branch agencies to determine the best path forward.
Rep. Schwartzkopf and Sen. McBride noted that the General Assembly is preparing plans that will be used in the event lawmakers must reconvene to pass legislation that addresses the effects of the Coronavirus on Delawareans and state government.
Additionally, the General Assembly is constitutionally required to pass an operating budget by June 30, and plans are being discussed to meet that obligation should this State of Emergency stretch well into the spring.
Legislative Hall remains closed to the public, with no tours or in-person meetings taking place.
5:15 p.m.
Bayhealth assures readiness, updates policies
Bayhealth says they are equipped to care for community members with COVID-19. They have initiated their "incident command structure" that was prepared for a crisis such as the coronavirus outbreak and are creating plans to expand treatment spaces and critical care beds. They are collaborating with vendors and state officials on the procurement of additional supplies.
A telephone triage system has been initiated to take calls from people in the community worried about potential COVID-19 symptoms they may be experiencing. People experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath may call the triage line at 302-310-8477. The line is open Monday – Friday, 8:15 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Callers meeting screening criteria for COVID-19 testing will be referred to one of Bayhealth's off-site drive-thru testing sites.
Bayhealth is also enacting coronavirus prevention measures. The healthcare group now has a temporary visitation and entry policy at hospitals that limits patients to one healthy visitor per day (except in special circumstances). Hospital entrances have been limited and all visitors and employees are screened upon arrival.
Elective surgical and diagnostic imaging procedures have been postponed and all community classes and events have been canceled.
3:30 p.m.
Gov. Carney has added to the emergency declaration of March 12:
Takeout can be accompanied by beer, wine, liquor.
Any restaurant, brewpub, tavern or taproom with a valid on-premise license can sell alcoholic beverages as part of transactions for take-out food or drive through food service. Alcohol sales cannot exceed 40 percent of the total. This goes into effect at 8 p.m. tonight, March 18, until rescinded.
Movies, spas and gyms close. No bowling.
A second update requires bowling alleys, movie theaters, fitness centers and health spas to close in a continued effort to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Delaware. Any business that remains open is strongly encouraged to have hand sanitizers or hand washing stations for its employees and patrons. Starts at 8 a.m. March 19, and will last until the State of Emergency is rescinded.
4:30 p.m.
Case total rises to 26
DPH update on COVID:
-26 total laboratory confirmed cases since March 11, nine more since yesterday.
-20 are from New Castle County, three are from Kent County, and three are from Sussex County.
-14 are male and 12 are female and range in age from 18 to 80. Three are hospitalized; one critically ill.
10 a.m.
The Department of Public Health announced three more positive tests, two in New Castle and one in Kent. The total is 19. See
Tuesday, March 17
3 p.m.
DART cuts weekday service
Due to business closures, reductions in staffing and lower ridership levels, effective Wednesday, March 18, DART will operate on a Saturday service schedule statewide each weekday, with additional service on Routes 15, 18, 43 and 301. See
Special Olympics Delaware suspends activities
Special Olympics Delaware is extending the suspension of all sports training, competition and fundraising activities as well as all other activations involving our athletes (such as practices, Athlete Leadership, socials or end of season parties) through May 31, at which time the situation will be reevaluated.
Parks free, buildings closed
State parks are free until April 30. Buildings, however, are not open :: DNREC announces changes to operations. Parks, wildlife areas open with no entrance fees until April 30, but park and wildlife buildings, centers closed; Fishing, hunting, boating licenses, park and conservation passes sales online.
Delaware Democratic Party caucuses by drive-thrus
Monday, March 16, 4:45 p.m.
Caucuses in districts where elections are not necessary will be canceled, while districts where voting is required will have their caucuses replaced with drive-thru voting stations designed to significantly limit human-to-human contact. Visit the Delaware Democratic Party website for times and locations.
Chesapeake Utilities
Monday, March 16, 3 p.m.
All walk-in customer access to any Chesapeake Utilities natural gas, propane or electric office locations has been temporarily suspended.
DelDOT announces additional operational changes
The Delaware Department of Transportation continues to review operational needs. All public-facing buildings that deliver various services will be going cashless across the state, including toll plazas and all Division of Motor Vehicle locations, effective Tuesday, March 17.
At DelDOT’s four DMV locations, only credit or debit cards will be accepted, and the department continues to urge all customers to utilize
DMV lobbies will be continually monitored with the goal of keeping them below 50 people. We are also encouraging customers that do not have direct business with DMV or are not accompanying a customer that requires assistance, to please remain in their vehicle.
At the state’s three toll plazas, there will be no toll collectors working to collect cash payments. All traffic will be directed through the EZPass lanes and motorists without EZPass will receive a bill in the mail for the toll with no penalty or processing fee. The Route 896 southbound ramp to I-95 southbound will temporarily close due to the road configuration that does not permit access to the EZPass lanes.
The following DMV services are suspended until further notice:
All Class D and Commercial Driver License (CDL) road exams All motorcycle safety courses conducted at all DMV locations All vision tests will be temporarily waived All emissions testing for vehicles All Auto Theft Unit (ATU) transactions
Delaware restricts restaurants to take-out and delivery
Gov. John Carney on Monday modified his March 12 emergency declaration to limit Delaware restaurants, taverns and bars to take-out and delivery service. Carney’s updated emergency declaration — which takes effect at 8 p.m. tonight, March 16 — also bans public gatherings of 50 or more people, consistent with updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and closes gaming activity at Delaware casinos.
Delawareans with questions about coronavirus or their exposure risk can call the Division of Public Health’s Coronavirus Call Center at 1-866-408-1899 or 711 for people who are hearing impaired from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, or email For the latest on Delaware’s response, go to
Case #8 is New Castle County woman
The eighth positive case of COVID-19 involves a New Castle County woman over the age of 50 who is not severely ill and is self-isolated at home. She was exposed to a positive case in another state. Epidemiologists from the Division of Public Health indicated she has minimal close contacts in the state and are working to identify any who were possibly exposed.
One more positive associated with UD
Sunday, March 15, 3 p.m.
Another COVID-19 case, the seventh in Delaware, involves a New Castle County woman under the age of 30 connected to the University of Delaware community. She is not severely ill and is self-isolated at home.
The CDC is no longer requiring presumptive positive results to go through CDC for confirmation so all presumptive positives are considered confirmed.
Two more UD COVID cases: DPH
March 14, 11:30 a.m.
Two more presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 are associated with the University of Delaware community, and are linked to the initial presumptive positive university cases, bringing the total to six.
A woman older than 50 and a man older than 60 from New Castle County are self-isolating at home. Epidemiologists from the Division of Public Health are working to identify close contacts of the two. If other people are found to have possibly been exposed, state health officials will provide guidance to these individuals and monitor them closely for the development of symptoms.
Public schools close for two weeks
Friday, March 13, 8 p.m.
Gov. John Carney announced that all public schools will be closed March 16-27 to prepare for the spread of coronavirus.
Bayhealth visitation policy changes
Friday, March 13, 7:15 p.m.
Effective Monday, March 16 at 7 a.m., Bayhealth will adopt a temporary visitor restriction policy at Bayhealth Kent Campus, Bayhealth Sussex Campus, the Emergency Department in Smyrna, Bayhealth Medical Group practices and all outpatient locations.
Bayhealth Kent and Sussex campuses: Visiting hours are restricted to 12 to 8 p.m. at Bayhealth Hospital, Kent and Sussex campuses. No visitors under the age of 18 are permitted unless they are the parents of hospitalized children. This includes infants and siblings across all areas of the hospitals.
One visitor is allowed per patient. Only one person may accompany a patient into the hospital. Additional visitors must wait outside of the building and not in the lobby or waiting areas.
Visitors must check in at the front desk at all locations for a health screening and to receive a wristband identifying them as an approved visitor. Individuals who have symptoms of concern will not be able to visit a patient. Visitors may also be asked to show identification. If you are not feeling well or do not have to visit, for everyone’s protection, please stay home.
Bayhealth Medical Group practices, outpatient and ambulatory care locations: Patients with scheduled appointments should contact their provider or outpatient area if they are feeling any symptoms (including fever, cough or shortness of breath) for guidance and self-isolation. These patients should not enter the facility without first contacting their provider.
If patients are required to enter these locations, they will be limited to one visitor or care partner for necessary care coordination or patient assistance. If a care partner isn’t necessary, we encourage that person to wait in their car. If you are not feeling well or do not have to visit, please stay home for everyone’s protection.
Department of Health Testing Update
Friday, March 13, 5 p.m.
A total of 72 people have been tested for COVID-19, including the 4 who tested positive (pending CDC confirmation): 36 tests were negative and 32 persons under investigation are awaiting results. DPH is monitoring 54 individuals.
Department of Transportation cancels workshops
Friday, March 13, 3:15 p.m.
DelDOT has also cancelled three upcoming public workshops:
March 24 - Public Workshop for Bridge 3-714 on New Road over Canary Creek at the Lewes Public Library March 25 - Public Workshop for Old Kennett Road Retaining Walls at the Centerville Layton School March 31 - Public Workshop for SR1/Cave Neck Road GSI at Lewes Fire Station #2
The department is working to make the information for each of these projects available to the public through virtual workshops.
DNREC postpones public events
Friday, March 13, 3:15 p.m.
DNREC divisions and programs are postponing events in the next two weeks expected to have more than 100 attendees, to include volunteer cleanups, meetings and conferences scheduled. Events being postponed include the annual DuPont Nature Center spring cleanup scheduled for Saturday, March 14, and the annual beach grass planting at multiple beaches in the state scheduled for Saturday, March 21.
Additional events and programs, regardless of attendance numbers, may also be postponed.
Biggs Museum closed
Effective today we will be temporarily closing the galleries in an effort to protect the health and safety of our patrons and staff. With that, all public and private events will be on hold until further notice.
New Castle County
Appoquinimink Friends open house postponed
Sunday, March 15, 7 a.m.
Another date will be announced for the annual open house at the Appoquinimink Friends Meetinghouse, 624 Main St. (Route 299), Odessa; was Friday, March 20 from noon to 5 p.m.
Caesar Rodney Half-Marathon and 5K
Friday, March 13, 2 p.m.
The Caesar Rodney Half Marathon & 5K scheduled for Sunday, March 22 at Tubman Garrett Park in Wilmington has been cancelled due to an abundance of caution for participants, staff and partners.
Autism Delaware cancels all March events
Friday, March 13, 1:51 p.m.
Autism Delaware has cancelled all events for the remainder of March, due to concerns about the COVID-19 virus and Delaware Gov. John Carney’s declaration yesterday of a state of emergency.
The Walk for Autism, scheduled for April 4th at the Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewes and April 5th at Bellevue State Park in Wilmington, has been changed to a Virtual Walk for Autism during the month of April.
The events that will be cancelled in March are: Rte. 9 Library Sensory Room training, March 14; New Castle County Bowling Night, March 18 and 25; BRAVE Girls Social Group, March 20; Dover Sensory-Friendly Skating, March 21; Dover Bowling Night, March 23; Smart Cookie Day, March 25; Bunny Train Ride, March 29. Registrants to any paid events can receive a refund.
For updates and details about cancellations, refunds, and April’s Virtual Walk for Autism, visit
Appoquinimink School District cancels field trips, postpones public events
Friday, March 13, 1 p.m.
Appoquinimink School District cancelled all field trips and postponed all district-sponsored public events through at least April 20 effective immediately to reduce potential exposure of the coronavirus COVID-19 to students, staff and volunteers.
After-school clubs and co-curricular activities and Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association games, which are regulated at the state level, will continue as planned.
Visitors restricted at ChristianaCare
Thursday, March 12, 3 p.m.
To protect patients, caregivers and community from the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, hospital patients may not have more than two visitors at a time. This does not apply to patients in hospice or palliative care. Older adults who may be especially vulnerable to illness should refrain from visiting loved ones in the hospital.
Flu season restrictions remain in place: visitors must be age 16 or older.
These restrictions do not apply to outpatient and ambulatory services.
For more, visit
Kent County
County offices closed until further notice
Monday, March 30, 10 a.m.
Kent County buildings will remain closed to the public until further notice. The original closure was from March 22 through March 28, but it will continue in compliance with the state of emergency and the stay-at-home order.
Business will continue electronically or by telephone. The Department of Public Safety and the Kent County Regional Resource Recovery Facility will continue full operations.
Tax and sewer payments may be left in the drop box located at the south end of the visitors parking lot of the County Complex. The Emergency Services Vehicle will remain in front of the Kent County Complex to drop off documents for the Clerk of the Peace, Recorder of Deeds, Register of Wills, Sheriff’s Office, Planning Services and Public Works.
The Levy Court is not scheduled to meet on Tuesday, March 31, but a special meeting is set for Friday, April 3, at noon via telephone conference. The agenda includes a briefing to Levy Court Commissioners on the County Business Continuity Plan, followed by Commissioners Review and Discussion. The meeting is open to the public. Those wishing to join the teleconference may call 1-800-377-8846. The passcode is 92535882#.
Parks and Recreation and Kent County Public Library suspended all public services and will remain closed.
Milford elections postponed again
Wednesday, March 25, 1 p.m.
City elections were originally rescheduled for May 9. Gov. Carney ordered all municipal elections be postponed until after May 15 in his sixth modification to the state of emergency. The new election date has not been announced.
Foreclosure, monition sales postponed
Wednesday, March 25, noon
The Kent County foreclosure and monition sales are postponed until a later date to be determined. The foreclosure sale was scheduled for April 2 and the monition sale April 28.
Notice of new dates will be posted on the Kent County website and Sheriff’s Office webpage.
For more, contact the Sheriff’s Office at 302-736-2161.
First case at Dover AFB
Wednesday, March 25, 9 a.m.
An Air Force member assigned to Dover Air Force Base was confirmed positive for COVID-19 March 24.
Samples from the person were confirmed at an off-base medical facility in Delaware. The person is in isolation on the base, following Department of Defense guidance and all other appropriate public health procedures.
This is the first confirmed positive case for Dover AFB. Public health officials have begun tracing the person's recent activity in order to ensure the safety of airmen, families and the community.
Dover AFB remains in Health Protection Condition Charlie. Members and families are encouraged to practice prevention measures including following strict personal and environmental hygiene, social distancing, staying home if exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or exposed to someone with those symptoms, adhering to local and U.S. Air Force shelter-in-place guidance, and contacting their healthcare provider if they develop any symptoms consistent with COVID-19, such as fever, coughing and shortness of breath.
Dover AFB increases social distancing
Tuesday, March 24, 9:30 a.m.
Dover Air Force Base implemented Health Protection Condition Charlie March 24.
This happens when there is an elevated risk of sustained community transmission and includes strict social distancing measures, such as limiting meetings, socials and gatherings and limiting base access to official purposes only.
The decision was made following Gov. John Carney’s shelter in place order for the state, which took effect March 24 at 8 a.m.
To date, there have not been any confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Dover AFB. For base-specific information about COVID-19, visit
Dover cancels all city meetings week of March 23
Monday, March 23, 3 p.m.
In compliance with the governor’s stay-at-home order and for the health and safety of residents, staff and elected officials, the meetings scheduled for the week of March 23 have been canceled.
The cancellation notices regarding these meeting are available on the city's website and may be accessed at
Closed: Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce office
Monday, March 23, 9:30 a.m.
The office at 435 North Dupont Highway in Dover is closed until further notice. All staff will be working remotely and can be reached by phone or email.
Shelter-in-place order at Dover AFB
Monday, March 23, 9 a.m.
Col. Matthew Jones, 436th Airlift Wing commander, has issued a shelter-in-place order for Dover Air Force Base, starting March 24, at 8 a.m. through May 15.
This follows Gov. John Carney’s shelter-in-place order issued March 22 for the state. All Dover AFB personnel must stay at home unless getting food,caring for an immediate relative, participating in outdoor activities such as walking or running, or seeking necessary health care. All personnel must practice social distancing of at least six feet or more.
“While I know these measures provide a great deal of inconvenience, they are the safest course of action to ensure COVID-19 spread is limited and Team Dover remains safe," Jones said. “I mirror what Governor Carney said. The quicker we all abide by these provisions, the quicker we can get past this issue.”
Dover AFB recently implemented reporting procedures for mission-essential only personnel. Personnel are encouraged to continue practicing strict hygiene measures as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and staying home when sick. All on-base gatherings, defined as more than 10 people, are canceled until May 15, unless deemed mission essential.
Milford elections postponed
Wednesday, March 18, 11 a.m.
The 2020 municipal and special borrowing election scheduled for April 25 has been postponed until Saturday, May 9. The time and location remains the same: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at the City Public Works Facility, 180 Vickers Drive, Milford.
The deadline for registering to vote in this year’s election has been extended until 4:30 pm Thursday, April 9. Voter registration is now being conducted via phone. Please call the City Clerk’s Office at 302-422-1111 ext. 1300 or 1303, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., to verify voter registration, register to vote and/or request absentee ballots.
Harrington Raceway and Casino closed
Starting at 4 p.m. March 16 until April 1.
This includes all bars, restaurants and gaming on the property, including Murphy’s Race/Sportsbook and Grill. All shows and entertainment during this time are canceled, and any applicable ticket sales for such events will be subject to a refund.
AMC Museum closed
March, 16, 1:44 p.m.
The Air Mobility Command Museum is currently closed to visitors due to the recent events caused by the coronavirus. Please continue monitor the AMC website and Facebook page for changes to the operating schedule.
Kent County Admin center closed
March 16, 9 a.m.
The Kent County Administrative Complex will be closed to the public until further notice beginning at 5 p.m. today. Business will continue through electronic means or by telephone.
The meeting Tuesday at 7 p.m. is canceled. The meeting will be rescheduled at a later date. Notice will be posted on the Kent County website,, and on Facebook and Twitter @KCLevyCourt.
Mobile library isn't operating; how to renew materials
The Kent County mobile library will not be making stops. Call (302) 744-1919, M-F 9 a.m.–4 p.m. to renew items or go online at with your library card number and 4-digit PIN. For more see the library’s Facebook page (KCPLibrary) or the Kent County Levy Court website at
Kent County Parks and Recreation Center, Public Library closed
Friday, March 13, 7:30 p.m.
Starting Saturday, March 14, both will be closed until further notice. All programs are suspended.
Kent County Parks (Brecknock, Browns Branch, Tidbury Creek, Lebanon Landing, Hunn Nature Park, Big Oak, and Kesselring) will remain open for general public use. No large gatherings are allowed.
The Howell Mill Nature Center at Brecknock Park will be closed and programs suspended until further notice.
The Dover Human Relations Commission
Friday, March 13, 5 p.m.
The meeting scheduled for March 19 has been canceled in the interest of proper health and safety practices.
Dover Public Library closed
Friday, March 13 at 3 p.m.
Starting Saturday, March 14th. Reopening is expected Monday, April 27.
The library will go through extensive cleaning and structural and site line improvements to aid in public safety. "With the COVID-19 virus, and the need for these improvements, we have decided to combine the items and get it all done at the same time," City Manager Donna Mitchell said. "Our goal is to have the project completed and open back up to the public by April 27th."
All events scheduled at the library have either been postponed or cancelled.
Library patrons may call to renew materials Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-4 p.m. until further notified. They should drop off materials through the materials drop and visit the website at
For more, call the library at 302-736-7030
Milford city offices closed
Friday March 13, 1:30 p.m.
All city buildings and offices are closed to the general public. This includes City Hall, Customer Service building, Public Works building and Parks & Recreation building.
All city staff will continue to work and can be reached by phone or email.
Dover Air Force Base gives update
Friday, March 13, 1 p.m.
The base has implemented Health Protection Condition Alpha. This condition is implemented when there is a limited disease threat to personnel or an unusual health threat that has the potential to rapidly move into the area.
All base facilities remain open to normally permitted patrons. Base leadership has formed a team from multiple agencies on Dover AFB to develop a plan to ensure the safety of the force and local community, following guidance from the Defense Department and the CDC.
There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Dover AFB, and risk remains low. For more, visit
Delaware Farm Bureau’s annual Ag Safety Conference canceled
Friday, March 13, noon
For more information, visit this link.
Smyrna town offices and library closed
Friday, March 13
Based on recommendations from the State of and Delaware public health experts, the Town of Smyrna will be implementing the following to slow the spread of COVID-19: all buildings and offices will be closed to the general public.
This includes town hall, planning and zoning, public works and the library.
Sussex County
CHEER suspends services
Wednesday, Apr. 1, 9 a.m.
CHEER is suspending housekeeping and companion services, effective Wednesday, April 1, for an indefinite period of time. A CHEER representative will call customers periodically to check on their well- being. If any customer is in need of other CHEER services, call 302-515-3040.
Rehoboth-Dewey Chamber of Commerce cancels events
Friday, March 27, 12:45 p.m.
The following 2020 chamber-produced events have been cancelled:
April 18 Merchants’ Attic Indoor Garage Sale May 15 – 17 Spring Sidewalk Sale May 30 Beach Goes Red, White & Blue
The Dewey Beach Summer Movies and Bonfires Program is planned to continue as scheduled, beginning in late June 2020.
Sussex County suspends public hearings
Tuesday, March 24, 11 a.m.
Sussex County government will suspend public hearings for ordinances, land use applications and other matters requiring citizen input until further notice. Public hearings already scheduled for the county council, planning & zoning commission and board of adjustment will be suspended indefinitely, and no new hearings will be scheduled for any county public body at this time.
Meetings of the three Sussex County bodies will continue, as needed, in order for general business and other matters that have moved through the public hearing process to proceed. The public will not be permitted entry to any meetings, as permitted by emergency gubernatorial authority. However, all meetings will be broadcast live, and archived, on the county’s website at The public is urged to monitor the county website for updates on future meetings and agendas.
Meantime, county offices remain operational, but closed to the public. Only those individuals needing to drop off or pick up critical documents are permitted entry to the county administrative offices building, 2 The Circle in Georgetown, during regular weekday business hours.
Tanger outlets to close
Monday, March 23, 3 p.m.
Based on Gov. Carney’s order for the closing of all non-essential retail establishments, Tanger Outlets Rehoboth has asked their tenants to comply by 8 a.m. on Tuesday, March 24.
Tanger will continue to monitor developments and communicate changes as they occur. Tanger will also maintain a center team and security presence at each site. Retailers may still schedule deliveries and access the stores as needed. Changes to center hours will be posted on
Sussex County C.A.R.E.S Conference canceled
Monday, March 23, 2 p.m.
The Sussex County C.A.R.E.S Conference slated for Friday, May 8, 2020, has been canceled in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak and Delaware’s ongoing state of emergency.
Sussex CHEER updates
Monday, March 23, 1 p.m.
CHEER, Inc. will continue to operate its nutrition and personal assistance programs during the stay-at-home order. All Sussex centers are closed to the public. Service will continue to Meals on Wheels customers and drive-up curb-side capability is available for congregate members who can come to a center to pick up a meal. CHEER Direct Care Workers are also continuing to serve the needs of home bound customers. CHEER's personal assistance services has received permission from the state to perform 90-day reassessments of customers via telephone until further notice. The Sand Hill Adult Day Program is also operating, following all designated precautions and restrictions. No visitors are allowed. All extra activities through May 15, including the Frontier Festival on May 1, have been cancelled until further notice. If you need to reach someone who is not in the office, call the central office at 302-515-3040 and your message will be forwarded to them.
Rehoboth closes businesses, orders citizens to shelter in place
Monday, March 23, 9 a.m.
Rehoboth Beach Mayor Paul Kuhns has proclaimed a civil emergency concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, effective at 4 p.m. on Monday, March 23.
Since visitors are consistently observed in the city gathering in groups of more than 10 people, the beach and boardwalk are already closed to the public, and safeguarding and protection of all citizens of the city are of utmost importance and his priority, Mayor Kuhns is deeming this necessary to protect the citizens of the city.
All non-essential businesses shall remain closed until May 15 or until such time when the public health threat of COVID-19 has been eliminated. Additionally, all residents of the city shall shelter in place. Leaving your home is allowed for essential activities. Delawareans may leave their homes to get groceries, pick up a prescription, see a doctor and engage in other activities essential to their health, and the health and wellbeing of their family members, including pets. Delawareans may also engage in outdoor activity but must adhere to social distancing guidelines.
At this time, the City of Rehoboth Beach buildings and offices are closed to the general public through May 15. This includes city hall, administrative offices, public works buildings, playgrounds and public restrooms, along with the beach and Boardwalk. City staff continues to work on-site and we strongly encourage people to do any business with the city that they can by phone, e-mail or internet to minimize public interaction.
Georgetown suspends lodging tax
Friday, March 20, 5:15 p.m.
Effective immediately, Georgetown has deferred the remittance requirement for taxes collected on its recently enacted accommodations tax. Lodging establishments will still need to file their lodging tax monthly payment voucher, however, remittance of taxes due is deferred until September 2020. For more information, contact the town offices at (302) 856-7391.
Beebe prohibits visitors
Friday, March 20, 4 p.m.
Beebe Healthcare is continuing to evaluate the rapidly changing information about the coronavirus. As of 6 p.m. Friday, March 20, no visitors will be allowed at the Margaret H. Rollins Lewes campus and no one will be able to accompany patients to outpatient location.
There are some exceptions. One healthy visitor is permitted for pediatric (parent, guardian, caretaker), palliative or hospice, specialty physician, labor and delivery and surgical procedure patients.
This policy is in effect for all of Beebe Healthcare locations.
Beebe suspends non-urgent services
Friday, March 20, 3:45 p.m.
Beebe Healthcare is suspending all non-urgent diagnostic testing, physical rehabilitation, and screenings. This includes physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, cardiac rehab and pulmonary rehab.
Beebe is postponing all non-urgent outpatient diagnostic exams and services for at least six weeks (May 4) and will re-evaluate as the date approaches.
Israel and Faith United Methodist Church cancellations
Thursday, March 19, 10:15 p.m.
All physical morning and afternoon worship services, prayer worship, Bible studies, small group studies and meetings have been postponed until May 9.
Lewes events canceled
Thursday, March 19, 3 p.m.
Many activities associated with the 11th Annual Tulip Celebration, originally scheduled for April 3 – 12, have now been canceled, including the photography contest and exhibition, tulip trolley tours on April 4 and 11, plant and flower sales by Lewes in Bloom on April 10 and 11 and the inaugural children’s photography exhibition. As of today, the two floral demonstrations scheduled to take place at Flowers by Mayumi on Friday, April 3 from 11 – 11:30 a.m. and at Floral Inspirations on April 4 and 11 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. will take place as scheduled unless further restrictions are announced. The Cape Artists plan to be painting in Zwaanendael Park on Saturday, April 4 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., depending on the weather conditions.
Visiting the outdoor tulip plantings individually and in small groups is within the CDC guidelines. A free map that lists the parks and public spaces where the 23,000 bulbs were planted last fall by volunteers from Lewes in Bloom is available in the brochure box outside the Lewes Chamber of Commerce visitor center at 120 Kings Highway. The visitor center is temporarily closed due to the pandemic although chamber staff is available Monday – Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. to answer phone calls and supply brochures and other visitor information requested by phone at 302-645-8073.
The 52nd Great Delaware Kite Festival at Cape Henlopen State Park on Good Friday, April 10, has been canceled. It will not be rescheduled for a later date this year. The 25th Annual British Motor Show has also been canceled and will not be rescheduled.
Sussex County closes offices, suspends marriage ceremonies
Wednesday, March 18, 5 p.m.
Sussex County is temporarily ending public access to all county facilities, suspending marriage ceremonies and halting cash payments effective Thursday, March 19.
The public will be allowed strict, limited entry only to the lobby of the county administrative offices building, located at 2 The Circle in Georgetown, during regular business hours to drop off documents to be processed by county staff. Select staff will remain at work or telecommute to continue daily operations, but in-person contact with employees in their respective offices will be prohibited.
County government is encouraging the public to do business as much as possible through electronic means, namely email and telephone. Scanned documents, such as building permit applications, requests for site inspections, deed recordings and more can be transmitted to offices electronically. The county has developed a COVID-19 portal to provide specific information about modified services, viewable here.
In addition, county offices will not accept cash as a form of payment for all services. Only credit card or check payments will be accepted. For credit card payments, all surcharges will be waived until further notice to accommodate customers inconvenienced by the temporary policy.
Beebe updates visitor policy
Wednesday, March 17, noon
For patients in Beebe outpatient locations:
Patients who are being evaluated for or who have been tested positive for COVID-19 will not be permitted to have visitors. The identified essential visitor will be screened upon arrival and may not be able to enter if they are deemed potentially infectious. Children 16 and under will not be allowed to visit.
For Patients admitted to Beebe Healthcare’s Margaret H. Rollins Lewes campus hospital:
Visitation hours will be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Two entrances will remain open for visitors: the main Entrance near the parking garage and the emergency department entrance. The east entrance, near the flag pole, will be closed to visitors. Patients who are being evaluated for or who have been tested positive for COVID-19 will not be permitted to have visitors. Patients will need to specify one essential visitor such as spouse, parent, caregiver, domestic partner, support person or adult child 17 and over, who will be permitted to visit them while in the hospital. The name of the one essential visitor will be recorded in the hospital’s system. Only the one essential visitor will be permitted to visit the patient for the duration of their stay. Other visitors will not be permitted to enter the Margaret H. Rollins Lewes campus to wait in any area of the facility including waiting rooms, cafeterias or hallways. The identified essential visitor will be screened upon arrival to the hospital and may not be able to enter if they are deemed potentially infectious. Children 16 and under will not be allowed to visit.
Sussex' Tech "Race for Coach Nic" canceled
Wednesday, March 18, 11 a.m.
Sussex Technical High School's second annual Race for Coach Nic 5K on Saturday, March 28, has been canceled.
Dewey Beach reschedules meetings
Tuesday, March 17, 1:45 p.m.
Dewey Beach has cancelled all commissioner and committee meetings until further notice as a precautionary measure. The scheduled March 14 public hearing and regular town commissioner’s meeting is tentatively rescheduled for Saturday, March 28, at 9 a.m. Every effort will be made to have this and all meetings open to the public and available for public comment, but we reserve the right under the governor's order to use live stream or other teleconference technology tools allowable under Delaware FOIA if necessary.
All town-permitted special events are cancelled through March 31. Anyone needing to conduct business with Dewey Beach can call town hall at 302-227-6363.
Clear Space Theatre cancels and postpones events
Tuesday, March 17, 3 p.m.
In response to the current circumstances Clear Space has taken the following steps:
Cancelled all remaining performances of "Kiss Me Kate" Postponed Broadway Bound classes until May 5, 12 and 19. Cancelled the adult acting workshops on March 22 and 29. Closed the box office to new ticket sales for "High School Musical" (April 17-19) and "Urinetown" (May 1 - 17).
Clear Space will continue to evaluate the need for additional steps necessary in response to the virus, including plans to present live performances of "High School Musical" and "Urinetown." Clear Space will keep you informed of future changes should they become necessary.
IRSD reschedules board of education meeting
Tuesday, March 17, 11:30 a.m.
Unless otherwise notified, the meeting originally scheduled for Monday, March 23 will now be held on Monday, March 30 at Indian River High School at 7 p.m.
Cape Henlopen State Park cancellations
Tuesday, March 17, 11:15 a.m.
The bike barn, located next to the nature center, and their borrow-a-bike program is closed until further notice. In addition, the annual Wine, Cheese and Beer Tasting, scheduled for April 18, has been cancelled. No decision has been made yet about rescheduling this event.
Seaford Historical Society cancels events
Tuesday, March 17, 11 a.m.
Due to our national effort to curb COVID-19, the April 6 Manor House lecture and April 25 Up Close concert have been cancelled. Private events at Ross Station Event Center and Ross Mansion are being handled on a case-by-case basis. Please contact event organizers for updates.
Movies at Midway closes
Monday, March 15, 8 p.m.
Closed until further notice to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Sussex County Council limits meeting attendance
Monday, March 16, 2:45 p.m.
Sussex County Council will hold its regularly scheduled meeting this week, but the session will be condensed and in-person public access will be limited.
The council will shift its meeting to a 12 p.m. start time on Tuesday, March 17, and business discussed during that portion of the meeting will be limited to in-house reports and presentations to the council. No spectators, other than staff, will be permitted in chambers at this time, and no public comment will be received. The public can follow the proceedings on the county’s livestream.
A scheduled 1:30 p.m. public hearing on a land use application filed on behalf of the Indian River School District will continue as planned. However, anyone wishing to comment on the application in person will be subject to a health screening prior to entry, including questionnaire and oral temperature examination, and be admitted to chambers on a one-in-one-out basis.
These steps are intended to safeguard the health and safety of elected officials, staff and the public at-large, and are in accordance with directives given by Delaware public health officials, as well as authority granted to public bodies by Gov. John C. Carney through Proclamation No. 17-3292.
County Council is not scheduled to return to session until March 31. A decision on any future meetings will be made at a later date and based on the latest public health guidance.
Rehoboth Beach implements measures to slow the spread of coronavirus
Monday, March 16, 3:15 p.m.
Through March 31, 2020, the City of Rehoboth Beach buildings and offices will be closed to the general public. This includes city hall, administrative offices, public works buildings, playgrounds and all public restrooms except Rehoboth Avenue. The city manager will evaluate continued closures as needed. Rehoboth Beach police, public works, water and wastewater crews will continue to operate and will be available to respond to service calls. Contact non-emergency police dispatch at 302-227-2577 and please
call this number for after-hours utility emergencies. In the event of an emergency, call 911.
City staff will continue to work on-site while offices remain closed to the public. If you have a question for a staff member, city staff will be available through email and telephone at 302-227-6181. Essential in-person meetings with city staff may be arranged by appointment. Please call or email the department you need to meet to arrange an appointment time.
Rehoboth Beach residents are encouraged to use the city's citizen self-service portal for making utility billing payments. Payments may also be made by US mail and the drop box located outside city hall.
Historic Lewes Farmers Market to reschedule Farmraiser event
Monday, March 16, 3 p.m.
Due to the coronavirus state of emergency in Delaware, the Historic Lewes Farmers Market will reschedule its Farmraiser fundraising event that was originally scheduled for March 28, 2020. The event will be rescheduled from March 28 to a date in late summer to fall. At this time, ticket holders will receive a refund. When the date is rescheduled, HLFM will sell tickets for the new date.
Lewes Public Library event rescheduled
Monday, March 16, 10:45 a.m.
The Lewes Public Library has canceled a March 21 appearance by Jennifer Ackerman, the prize-winning author of Birds by the Shore. Information on rescheduling and future Lewes Loves Books events is available at
Sussex County libraries close
Sunday, March 15, 5 p.m.
County libraries will be closed until further notice to minimize the risk of viral contamination among patrons and staff as Delaware responds to the mounting COVID-19 outbreak occurring in the state and across the nation.
The closure takes effect immediately. Hours of operation will resume at an appropriate future date based on guidance from public health and emergency management officials.
The closure applies to the county-owned Greenwood, Milton, and South Coastal (Bethany Beach) libraries, as well as the county’s Bookmobile/Mobile Library. The additional 11 independent libraries spread throughout communities in Sussex County are not governed by this latest decision, but may take similar action. Please check with your local library for more information. As always, online resources are available for the public’s use at any time by visiting
Marvel Museum murder mystery postponed
Saturday, March 14, 10 a.m.
The murder mystery scheduled for Saturday, March 21, has been postponed. We are currently working with the theater company and the caterer to reschedule the event. We will honor the tickets for the March 21 event on the new date. We will post the new date as soon possible.
Georgetown Historical Society meeting canceled
Saturday, March 15, 10 a.m.
The covered-dish dinner meeting scheduled for Monday, April 6 has been canceled due to the governor's declaration of a state of emergency.
City of Seaford offices closed
Friday, March 13, 4:30 p.m.
City of Seaford buildings and offices will be closed to the general public immediately. This includes City Hall, Public Utilities Building, Wastewater Treatment Facility and Parks & Recreation buildings. The City Manager, in consultation with the Mayor and Council, will evaluate continued offices closures as needed, and will determine when the buildings will reopen to the public. City staff will continue to work while offices remain closed to the public. If you have a question for a staff member, City staff will be available through email and telephone at 629-9173.
City of Seaford Police, Electric and Public Works crews will continue to respond to calls. Contact non-emergency police dispatch at 302-855-2980 and after-hours utilities emergencies at 302-629-4550. In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1.
Seaford residents are encouraged to use the city’s website, payment portal option for making utility billing payments. Payments may also be made by US mail, via the drive through window at City Hall or the drop box located at City Hall.
Essential in-person meetings with City staff may be arranged by appointment. Please call or email the department you need to meet with to arrange an appointment time. If you have any questions, please contact City Hall at 302-629-9173.
Sussex County libraries suspend all activities
Friday, March 13, noon
Sussex County libraries are suspending all activities and events at their facilities through at least the end of March. The decision takes effect immediately, and will be re-evaluated later this month in accordance with the latest guidance from public health officials. Libraries will remain open during regular hours. Hours, though, could be subject to change.
The temporary halt to programming applies to the county-owned Greenwood, Milton, and South Coastal (Bethany Beach) libraries, and the county’s Bookmobile/Mobile Library. The additional 11 independent libraries spread throughout communities in Sussex County are not governed by this decision, but may take similar action. Please check with your local library for more information.
For the latest county libraries information, visit
Sussex County Aging Committee March meeting canceled
Friday, March 13, noon
The Sussex County Advisory Committee on Aging & Adults with Physical Disabilities meeting scheduled for Monday, March 16, 2020, has been canceled. The scheduled featured presentation by ITN Southern Delaware to discuss senior transportation in Sussex County will be considered for a future meeting. For more information, visit the committee’s page.
There have been 104 total laboratory-confirmed cases in the state since March 11. This includes 17 additional cases since Monday. Of the Delawareans diagnosed with COVID-19, 71 are from New Castle County, 10 are from Kent County, and 23 are from Sussex County.
Of the 104 cases, 51 are male and 53 are female. The individuals range in age from 1 to 90. Eleven individuals are currently hospitalized; five are critically ill.
There are now 19 care facilities in Delaware that have reported a total of 97 positive COVID-19 cases involving residents/patients or staff. Twenty-one deaths have been related to long-term care facilities, including 18 in New Castle County and 3 in Sussex County. To protect the health privacy of residents, patients and staff, DHSS only identifies facilities with multiple cases. The 14 facilities with multiple positives cases are:
Little Sisters of the Poor, Newark
HarborChase of Wilmington
Governor Bacon Health Center, Delaware City
Forwood Manor, Wilmington
Parkview Nursing and Rehab Center, Wilmington
Country House, Wilmington
MeadowWood Behavioral Health Hospital, New Castle
Atlantic Shores Rehab and Health Center, Millsboro
Genesis HealthCare Milford Center, Milford
Brandywine Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, New Castle
Delaware Hospital for the Chronically Ill, Smyrna
Shipley Manor, Wilmington
New Castle Health and Rehabilitation, New Castle
Delaware Psychiatric Center, New Castle