Franklin County Sheriff’s Office continues to combat addiction and drug abuse

FRANKLIN COUNTY, Fla. —Addiction is something people struggle with everywhere. Locally, Franklin County is continuing to combat this issue head-on.
With a new substance abuse care coordinator, more addicts will be connected to rehabilitation centers now than ever before.
“Any community, any county, any state has a drug problem. If they tell you they don’t they’re lying,” said Franklin County Sheriff A.J. Smith.
Connecting drug addicts with rehab centers was a job the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office filled when they could.
Now there is one person with that responsibility, who’s committed to combating drug abuse.
“One of my ultimate goals is to connect with different nonprofit organizations to take them in under their wings and to help them make better choices, not just for them but for their families in the community,” said Substance Abuse Care Coordinator, Morgan Martin.
A position that is funded by Big Bend Community Care. Sheriff A.J. Smith sees a dire need for this kind of position.
“Hopefully encourage people that may be are on the fence to go get rehabilitation to come in and do it and will help them find a bed somewhere for them,” said Sheriff Smith.
“Then there may be people who have already been through the program or a program that need outpatient,”
“Majority of the crimes and arrests are due to substance abuse,” said Martin.
The sheriffs office hopes this will provide addicts with the resources they need to get their lives back on track.
“Don’t worry about the money, just get with Morgan, call anybody you know that can refer you to Morgan, looking for a bed for you. We will encourage you, because there are lots of success stories,” said Sheriff Smith.
Their goal is to lower the number of crimes related to drug use.
Part of their plans are to start prevention education early, in high schools and around the community.