How Rehab Work as a Treatment for Alcoholism and Other Addictions?

Do rehab centers work for addict?
The most commonly proposed solution for anyone with addiction problems related to any kind of substance is to go to rehab but does rehabilitation actually help someone who is struggling with addiction?
Drug rehabilitation is the process of medical or psychotherapeutic treatment for those who are addicted to or dependent on substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs or street drugs. The treatment usually includes counseling and therapy, along with medication in certain cases.
Rehabs are mostly abstinence-based and are designed to provide support and care to those who face difficulty with becoming drug-free. One of the most common approaches for rehabilitation centers is to use the 12-step program. This is most usually found in rehabilitation centers focused around alcoholism and alcohol addiction. Commonly referred to as the Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous (AA/NA). Rehab centers have been known to massively help out a lot of people but some do not find them very helpful at all.

Rehab centers have recently started taking traditional methods and modifying them. Each rehab center uses the base of the idea but adapts it to their own needs. However, most rehabilitation centers offer programs that last 90 days. This period is not set in stone, it can vary depending on the type of drug the patient is being treated for. The patient can also ask for more time in rehabilitation if they feel like they require it.
The first step is to detox and get the drug out of the person’s system. It is necessary for this to be done in a controlled environment under the supervision of a trained person who knows how to handle these kinds of situations. An addict feels withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking a particular drug. The withdrawal can be difficult or even impossible to tolerate.
Should addicts just go to emergency rooms or hospitals to detox?
This might not be an option for everyone. While hospitals and emergency rooms will provide the medical help needed, they will not provide emotional support to the patient. They will treat the patient for as long as necessary then discharge them as soon as they are well enough. The hospital might also inform the concerned authorities and report the patient if the drug used is illegal.
Rehab is better as it focuses on helping out the person as a whole instead of just getting them drug-free.
The premise of a rehab center is that an addict can go there without worrying about how they will be treated. There are many different kinds of rehab centers with many different kinds of treatments. A rehab center helps an addict recover physically and emotionally, also providing help to rebuild the patient’s family, sustaining them in their recovery, helping them to minimize exposure to prevent a relapse. This is why rehab centers are much better than hospitals or emergency rooms.