Judge Coss sentences nine

Judge Rocky Coss rendered sentencing on nine individuals this week in the Highland County Court of Common Pleas, recommending drug court for two and community control with drug treatment provisions for the remaining seven.
Casey Fleagle, 31, Hillsboro, was sentenced Dec. 17 to three years community control and entry into the New Way to Recovery Drug Court Docket.
Receiving sentencing on Thursday were:
Gerald W. Denise, 35, Mansfield Correctional Institution, three years community control and ordered to successfully complete the STAR drug rehabilitation program and associated aftercare.
James Travis Newland Jr., 42, Midland, three years community control and entry into the New Way to Recovery Drug Court Docket.
Anna Marie Lewis Baker, 28, Dayton, three years community control and successful completion of the Georgie Harris House residential drug treatment program and associated aftercare.
Douglas Edward Neal, 48, Hillsboro, three years community control and successful completion of FRS substance abuse counseling.
Brittany Long, 30, Hillsboro, three years community control and successful completion of the Georgie Harris House residential drug treatment program and associated aftercare, and completion of the STAR (Sobriety, Treatment, Accountability, Recovery) treatment program.
Natoshia L. Nelson, 36, Greenfield, three years community control and successful completion of Mended Reeds addiction recovery treatment program and recommended aftercare. She was also ordered to payback $800 restitution to the Homeland Credit Union.
Robert K. Holaday, 45, Hillsboro, three years community control and ordered to comply with any recommended mental health treatment and to take medications as directed by prescription.
Bethany Lovely, 26, West Portsmouth, three years community control and ordered to successfully complete the ASCEND Counseling and Recovery Treatment program and recommended aftercare. Lovely asked the court for entry into the drug court docket, but was deemed ineligible due to her residence being in Scioto County.
Reach Tim Colliver at 937-402-2571.