Kalgoorlie teenagers trapped in vicious meth cycle, and help is far away

One mother, in what was once dubbed West Australia's methamphetamine capital, fears her son and others could lose their lives to the destructive drug before they even turn 18, and is calling for specialised youth residential services in regional areas.
- The mother of a teenage meth addict wants more specialised, and in-patient, youth support services in regional WA
- A Perth facility provides free residential rehab and detox for young people
- The State Government is reviewing drug withdrawal services in regional areas
Helen — not her real name — said her son in Kalgoorlie first used crystal methamphetamine when he was 16 and has since been trapped in a vicious cycle.
"His physical and mental health has declined significantly," she said.
"He actually looks like a terminally ill cancer patient."
The woman's son tried to detox by himself at home but after enduring migraines, bodily pain, fatigue and suicidal thoughts, he turned back to the drug nine days later.
Helen reached out to local drug support services and even police, but her son no longer wanted help and told her he would rather "smoke crack until he dies".
She said her son's story showed a need for specialised youth rehabilitation and residential detox services in regional WA — facilities which are only available in Perth.
"I just feel like I'm bashing my head up against a brick wall trying to get help," Helen said.
"Sometimes I think I'm going to get a phone call one day saying that he is dead."
Meth addicts using more potent forms
A 2017 survey of Australian high school students found amphetamine use had fallen in recent years.
But the latest National Drug Strategy Household Survey found those who did use amphetamine were increasingly likely to choose ice over speed (the less potent form of the drug).

Nearly 60 per cent of amphetamine users reported using ice as their main form, up from 22 per cent in 2010, according to the survey.
Over the last five years, the Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS) in Perth has seen a rise in under 18s seeking help for ice addiction.
The service's clinical coordinator, Allan Colthart, said any drug use by a young person could have a significant impact on their developing brain, but methamphetamine was particularly detrimental to mental health.
"We see a lot of young people that have experienced psychotic symptoms," he said.
"Methamphetamine affects the dopamine rewards system, so it makes them feel good at the time but then afterwards there'll be significant periods of low mood, so that's a concern."
No regional residential detox facilities for youth
The DAYS rehabilitation and detox programs are free for young people but those in regional WA need to leave their homes, for sometimes weeks at a time, to access it.
Mission Australia, which co-runs the service with the State Government, said it supported a number of young people from regional areas.
"We recently had some young people in the service from Roebourne and it's worked well because we've used things such as Skype, and other digital media opportunities, for young people to retain contact and support with their regional areas," said regional leader Linda Richardson.
She said while regional youth rehab facilities would help some people, others might benefit from being temporarily removed from their home environment.
The State Government's Mental Health Commission (MHC) said a Community Alcohol and Drug Service was funded in every region to provide free counselling, prevention and diversion services for under and over 18s.

State Health Minister Roger Cook said Kalgoorlie already had an adult drug rehabilitation facility and community-based services for young people.
An adult-only detox facility was also expected to open in Kalgoorlie next year and construction would soon begin on a new residential mental health service.
Mr Cook said a review was underway into drug withdrawal services in regional WA, in a bid to provide greater access to services closer to home.
"The methamphetamine action plan has identified young people as a particularly important target," he said.
"So what we need to do is continue to look at those areas where we need to make the appropriate investments."
Mandatory rehabilitation is one of the options being considered.
Can you treat an addict against their will?
Draft legislation was developed in 2016 which would allow methamphetamine addicts to be forced into rehabilitation in WA, similar to a trial underway in New South Wales.
A MHC spokesperson said it was still on the cards despite "stakeholder feedback including concerns about the lack of evidence of the effectiveness of compulsory alcohol and other drug treatment programs".
"The MHC is progressing with stakeholder engagement to determine what is needed to meet the needs of people in short-term crisis with methamphetamine, alcohol and other drug issues," the spokesperson said.
"The engagement process will include consideration of the need for compulsory treatment … [the draft legislation] does require further review."

Drug experts and staff at the DAYS facility said detox and rehabilitation was more effective if it was done on a voluntary basis.
Mr Colthart urged parents of young people with drug problems to maintain their relationships and to let them know they were concerned.
"The first thing is to have open lines of communication … try and come from a position of concern with the young person," he said.
"Let them know that there are a range of treatment options, things like counselling but also detox and rehab."
But like many other parents, Helen believed compulsory rehabilitation may be the only option for her son before it is too late.