Letter: Meth users may return to crime, drugs despite help

Re: “With meth arrests rising in San Jose, county sobering center gets a new mission” (Mercurynews.com, Feb. 7):
How very nice! On March 4, our county is going to pick up inebriated meth users and take them to a new “sobering center” where they will be able to be warm and dry while they sleep off the effects of the illegal drug.
Yes, they will be subjected to a government nagging about the evils of what they are doing to their bodies, but after they sober up, they’ll be referred to treatment and rehab services, then be able to walk out and perhaps again commit crimes to get the money to pay their pushers for additional meth.
Will other drug users be welcomed too? Will heroin users be segregated from meth addicts or all welcomed? Will signs be posted forbidding drug sales or smoking of them within 500 feet of the entrance?
Ron GalbraithSanta Clara
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