Letter: Some people need more

Lima has a drug and alcohol problem, wouldn’t you agree? We know that drugs and alcohol also lead to criminal activity, destroy families and children — not to mention loss of life.
Were you aware there is “no” inpatient rehab center in our city of 37,592 people? Defiance — population 16,687 — has an inpatient treatment facility. Findlay, population 41,321, has four facilities that offer inpatient and outpatient programs. Sidney, also has an inpatient facility, population of 20,614.
While these are great options for some people, traveling to these areas are not always viable for others.
In many cases, addictions co-inside with mental health issues, and both need to be treated together. Thank God, literally, there is Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous in this area, but again, some people need more to get them started.
St Rita’s dismantled the one and only inpatient Mercy Hall years ago. Coleman’s in downtown Lima has many programs helping those in need, but again, no inpatient facility. Lima Memorial offers nothing in regards to inpatient addiction services. I discovered this issue by taking a friend to get help and detox at St. Rita’s. I asked repeatedly that a psychological evaluation be performed, along with a social worker to help get my friend “plugged in” to whatever programs were available. No psychologist or psychiatrist met with this individual, no social worker showed up either. Addiction Services handed out a pamphlet. End of story.
How do we expect people to get better when very little is offered? I understand it takes money for these programs, but if it is not a priority, nothing will change. City and County officials need to get their heads out of the sand. This city cannot grow and heal without getting back to the root of the problem. This is not an individual problem nor a social class issue, it is a community problem. Addiction has no boundaries.
Bretta Roush, Lima